Let Him Hear You

It is refreshing to know that we have a link that connects to God. This link can be likened to a cable that connects an electronic device to a power source. Imagine a device that has no link to a power source, you will agree with me that, no matter how new or beautiful it is, it’s as good as dead one. That is how it is in the spiritual realm. Prayer is the cable that connects you to your source – God. It oils the hinges of your relationship with Him. It affords you the opportunity to make your request known to Him (Philippians 4:6)
Even more refreshing is the fact that God desires to hear from you. Little wonder our Lord Jesus Christ gave the invitation, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). He expects you to come to Him with your problems, confusions, heartaches and everything that weighs you down. Do you not know that it displeases God to see His Children wallow in worry, self-pity and depression?

He says in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face… then will I hear from heaven…” God looks forward to hearing from His Children. What is that challenge facing you today? Let Him hear you make your request with a bold assurance like the Psalmist, knowing that He will answer the requests (Psalm 4:3).

Often times, we hear people say, “I have been praying but it seems God is not listening!” The issue really is not that you pray, but how you pray. A sinner, for instance, has no business praying to God, except of course, it’s the prayer of repentance. Much as it is true that God wants to hear you pray, the one who treats God with total disregard and flagrantly violates His commandments cannot get His attention (Psalm 66:18; Proverbs 15:8).

Some other persons may claim to have a relationship with God, and yet their prayers are not answered. Tell you what! Scripture makes it clear that God’s ears are not too heavy to hear the prayers of His children (Isaiah 59:1-2). One thing that can stand as a hindrance to your prayer being answered by God is sin. This is why Apostle Paul charged the believer at Corinth, and by extension, all believers in Christ, to examine themselves. Are there little foxes obstructing your prayers? Check yourself, make amends where necessary and God will build you up (Job22:23)

Moreover, too often, many people don’t pray aright (James 4:3). Granted, God wants to hear you pray, but He expects your prayer to be in accordance with His Will and Word. When Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, He said, “…not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 24:42). So, when next you feel your prayer is not being answered, check it! You may just be praying amiss. Also, when you pray, pray in the name of Jesus! Don’t pray in the name of saints or angels. It’s only through the name of Jesus we can receive answer to our prayers (John 14:13-14)

Besides, when you pray, avoid vain repetition. Go straight to the point like blind Bartimaeus. He didn’t beat around the bush; he told the Lord exactly what he wanted and he got it (Mark 10:46-52). Note, however, that if you adhere to all the principles of prayer without absolute trust in God to grant your petitions, you will be robbing yourself of the abundance of God’s treasure house. Jesus assures us in Matthew 21:22 that “all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” God is able to roll away your mountains and do “…exceeding abundantly above all that (you) ask or think, according to the power that worketh in (you)” (Ephesians 3:20). Only believe!

On a final note, dear reader, always remember that God longs to hear from His children. He delights in the prayer of His saints. Don’t allow anything to deprive you of lifting holy hands and raising your voice to Him. If you are unsaved still, let Him hear you pray for pardon, and you’ll receive salvation from sin. If you are righteous, let Him hear you ask whatever you need from Him, and you’ll have whatsoever you ask!
---culled from Christian Women Mirror (February 2014 edition)

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