The echelon of crookedness and pervasiveness of mankind have elevated to a state where one begins to dread what eternity holds for the human race. Friends, families, relatives, covered in the dust of death have left us with the onus to make things right and prepare a better tomorrow for generations unborn. Alas, what stares us all in the face are the ills our ignominy, enmity and immorality have spawned.
Critically observing the evolution of man in recent times, I would want to categorize the human race into two: The Slave and The Saved. The saved are true believers of Christ, living their everyday lives by faith and leaning on the Holy Spirit; bringing forth the works of righteousness; building goodly and godly homes, and ensuring that the unborn generation meets a legacy of righteousness till the coming of Christ.
The slaves, on the other hand, are the multitudes basking in the luxury of immorality, impiety and unrighteousness; driven by lust and evil passions to gain the world and care about nothing else but themselves. They are the prisoners of life with an acute poverty of the mind; shallow rooted souls, ignorant of what will befall them when it’s all been said and done.
Truly, by their fruits you shall know them. “For each tree is known and identified by its own fruit; the figs are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor is a cluster of grapes picked from a bramble bush” (Luke 6:44). However, Galatians 5: 19-21, 22-23, juts a reflection of what the saved and the slaves are like by their fruits.
THE SAVED bear fruit of: love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness, gentleness (meekness, humility), and self-control.
THE SLAVE bear fruit of: immorality, impurity, indecency, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, division (dissensions), party spirit, heresies, envy, drunkenness, carousing and the likes. And to these set of people, “God’s righteous decree is that they deserve to die…”
The self is the product of the flesh, ruled by the devil and it enslaves. The Saviour, Jesus Christ saves and freely gives life eternal to them that will accept, believe and trustingly endure by His grace till the end. What shall it profit you to remain a slave, gain the whole world and eventually lose your soul?

Very few care about what the 'dash in between' would report about them when the end of age comes. No wonder "many are called but chosen are few". Should you crave to be among the few that will make it to heaven and live eternally with Christ in His glory, now is the time to examine your life and answer for yourself the question: "who rules over your life?" "Are you a slave or saved?"
Tomorrow may be too late for you. Repent today and find peace and salvation for your soul in Christ. He (Jesus) alone has the power to save. "And there is salvation in and through no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by and in which we must be saved than the name of Jesus Christ" (Acts 4:12).
"Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy-laden, and I will cause you to rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek), and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest for your soul" (Matthew 11:28).
Allow Christ rule over your life, "cast all your burdens, worries and anxieties upon Him, for He cares about you." The world is rushing on to perdition, should your soul be saved, Christ alone must you seek. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears an listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will come in to Him and will eat with him, and he will eat with Me." (Revelation 3:20).
In the end, it is the saved ones who have fought the good fight of faith, and won the race that will be entitled to the crown of righteousness. Is that individual you? If yes, The Saviour is reaching out to you today; only surrender and let faith guide you.
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Jesus loves you and we love you too.
== Written by: The Admin,
...building the body of Christ.
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