Isn’t it startling to know God
Almighty (the Omniscient Creator of the entire universe), like you and I, has a
heart and that it can be broken like that of Amanda who caught James, her
boyfriend, under lust’s arrest in an impious coitus with her best friend?
Although He is a Spirit being (John
4:24), but God has a heart with emotions. He feels like us – He gets angry
(Deuteronomy 6:15, Exodus 32:10); He laughs (Proverbs 1:26); He grieves
(Genesis 6:6-7); He is jealous (Deuteronomy 6:15); and of all these features,
He loves the most (John 3:16, Isaiah 43:4, Romans 5:8).
All these, however, in no way
indicate weakness on the part of God (as in the case of man). He is Almighty
and none there is beside Him. He forever remains the same but like us, He has a
heart and it can be broken. Though, it can’t be broken to such an extent that
He suddenly hibernates and stops being God. It’s different from that.
That’s why God takes the heart
and matters of the heart seriously, and He doesn’t take it lightly when someone
breaks His by acts of commission or omission. Hence, here are 9 ways I
discovered (not limited to these) on how one can break God’s heart but with a
warning that you flee from them all or face God’s wrath.
Living a life of sin and unrepentance. “…All have
sinned and are falling short of the glory of God which God bestows” (Romans
3:23). From the days of Adam and Eve, sin has gained free rein in the life of
man and its wage -death- has been unbearable.
Our world is perverse, corrupt
and polluted. In the midst of a crooked and wicked generation, darkness and all
forms of immorality rule. Entropy is the day’s order and our institutions -
families, schools, churches, and the society at large are the victims.
Sodomy as in the days of Sodom
and Gomorrah has returned. There is evil in high places, murder,
assassinations, rape, drunkenness, lewdness, envy, strife, malice, infidelity,
homosexuality and lesbianism, absurdity, greed, deceit, etc. and all these only
draw the wrath and indignation of God.
Yet, like the rebellious
Israelites of old (Ezekiel 2:3-8), the world fails to repent and forsake its
sinful ways. People fail to “honour and glorify God…instead, they become futile
and godless in their thinking… Though they are fully aware of God’s righteous
decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them
themselves but approve and applaud others who practise them.” (Romans 1:18-32).
And it breaks the heart of God to see such ungodliness in the world.
2. Searing your heart. “The
grace of God has appeared for the deliverance from sin and the eternal
salvation for all mankind. It has trained us to reject and renounce all
ungodliness and worldly desires, to live discreet, upright, devout lives in
this present world…” (Titus 2:11-12), but we still have some who ignore and
repel the good news (Gospel) of Christ, God’s power working unto salvation to
everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).
Such people as stated in 2
Timothy 4 are those who will not tolerate sound instruction (doctrine), but
having ears itchy… and will turn aside from hearing the truth and wander off
into myths and man-made fictions. They have seared their hearts and won’t
forsake devil’s bait. Their end is hell and this breaks God’s heart too.
3. Religious but not righteous. These
are the Scribes and the Pharisees that the Bible talks about. Sadly, they exit
till date and go about bringing ridicule to the body of Christ.

The ‘Timothy’ you see in the
church is a thief outside; a Christian on Sunday but a criminal on Monday; a
pastor to the congregation but a pagan in his village; a saint he or she may
appear but a subtle sinner within. They are religious but not righteous. The
Lord identifies with righteousness and even stated that “the righteous shall
live by faith” (Roman 1:17; Galatians 3:11) and to behold religiousness without
righteousness sickens the Lord. Thus, it breaks His heart.
4. Preaching but don’t
practicing. This is similar to point three in a way but
with few distinctions. It still speaks of the so called believers who are
deceivers of themselves and others; Christians that are strangers to Christ; holding
a form of piety but are strangers to the power of it (2 Timothy 3:5).
The Gospel according to Matthew
23 reveals even better their guiles and wiles. “Observe and practice all they
tell you; but do not do what they do, for they preach but do not practice
(Matthew 23:3). Some are cowardly enough
to say to their followers: “do as I say but don’t do as I do”. And you wonder
when such people claim to be truly born again?
5. Craving to fit in. I have
heard people say countless of times that ‘if you are not informed, you will be
deformed’. There is, however, an element of sense in this statement but sadly
enough, most people misconstrue it for wading with the flow and copycatting the
throng in doing irrational things.
Here do you have our lads
sagging; ladies on spaghetti and bikinis openly without an iota of decency and
feminine pride; invention of naked fashion as seen by contemporary celebrities
(especially in the entertainment sphere) whom our teens forlornly take as role
models; and all sorts of decadence and profligacies nameless to mention.
Our generation is bedeviled by
all of these as God watches from heaven daily and grieves in His heart that man
could stoop as low as mere animals in conduct and behaviours regarding
appearance and lifestyle.
*** Please click: "HERE" to read '9 Ways to Break God's Heart 2' ***
*** Please click: "HERE" to read '9 Ways to Break God's Heart 2' ***
*** Written by Jacobs Adewale (Admin) ***
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