According To Light

Text: Romans 2:12-29

"All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.) This will take place on the day when God judges people's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares. Romans 2:12-16

Here we are dealing with the question of what to do about the people who have not heard the gospel. What about those who live where the Bible is unknown, or those who are in a different religion where there is no reference to the facts of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ? In this passage Paul says that their problem is that they defile their consciences. These people will be judged by their own standards. God judges men, not according to what they do not know, but according to what they do know.

In Chapter 2, verses 9-10, Paul also says the judgment of God is according to light. God is not going to summon all mankind and tell them they are going to be judged on the basis of the Ten Commandments. But people will be judged according to light. That means that God will say to that individual, What did you think was right and wrong? When the individual answers, God's question then is, Did you do the right, and not the wrong? By that standard everyone fails. Paul makes that clear: All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law. The fact that such men never heard the Ten Commandments, or anything else that is in the Bible, does not mean they are going to be acceptable in God's sight. They will perish, not because they did not hear, but because what they did know was right, they did not do.

Here we have a revelation of what goes on in the primitive world. Men and women who have never heard anything about the Bible nevertheless are subject to judgment because they have truth written in their hearts. They do know what is right and wrong. They show it in their own lives. People say, Let your conscience be your guide. That is a recipe for unhappiness. If that is all you have, it is a certain way of plunging into a life that alternates between fear and momentary peace.

Copyright Raystedman Ministries |

Feel free to share and leave your comments. May the grace of the Lord be with you.

...building the body of Christ.

Down Life's Path

Many go down life's path with lofty plans
To amass a great fortune of houses and lands
And to live a life of pleasure and ease,
Thinking happiness can be found in these.

Others pursue power and worldwide fame
To be known by all and win their acclaim;
But those without God who attain these goals
Soon find emptiness remains in their souls.

They could not find true happiness
For life's void cannot be filled with this;
If only they realized this will not last
Since life is fleeting and will soon be past.

Wealth, worldly pleasure, fame, and power
Will all be gone at death's dark hour;
And beyond the grave when eternity begins
Those unsaved will be judged for their sins.

If only they would believe in God's Son
And repent of the sinful deeds they've done,
Then they could go down life's path
Not needing to worry about God's wrath.

They would have the joy they longed for,
Inner peace, contentment, and much more
For when their lives on earth shall end
Heavenly bliss would at once begin!

==Written by Perry Boardman==

...building the body of Christ.

A Message For Misfits

Text: Judges 11: 1-3, 11

Before he ever came to the plate, Jephthah had three strikes against him.

  •     He was an illegitimate child. Strike one.
  •     He was the son of a barmaid and a brute. Strike two.
  •     He was raised in an atmosphere of hatred and hostility. Strike three.

Nurtured in an overcrowded cage of half-brothers, he was the constant target of verbal put-downs and violent profanity. Putting it mildly, Jephthah wasn't wanted. He compensated by becoming the meanest kid on the block.

Kicked out of home before he reached young manhood, he took up the lifestyle of a rebel among a tough bunch of thugs that hob-nobbed in a place called Tob. Earning a reputation as the hardest hard-guy, he was elected leader of a gang. They ripped and rammed their way through villages like a pack of wild hyenas. Had they ridden motorcycles, their black leather jackets could have read "The Tob Mob" as they raced over hills, outrunning the law of the land. Read Judges 11:1–3 for yourself. It's all there. A societal reject, Jephthah was Charles Manson, the Boston Strangler, and Clyde Barrow all wrapped in one explosive body. Having him and his apes drop into the Tob Pharmacy for Saturday night malts was about as comfortable as taking a swim with the Loch Ness monster.

Suddenly, a change occurred. The people of Israel encountered a barrage of hostilities from their not-so-friendly neighbors to the east—the Ammonites. The longer the battle raged against this hateful enemy tribe, the more obvious it became that Israel was against the ropes. Defeat was inevitable. The Jews needed a leader with guts to stand up against the fiery foes from Ammon. Guess who the Israelites thought of? Right! They figured that only a guy with his record would qualify for the job, so they called the man from Tob. Tremblingly, they said:

Come and be our chief that we may fight against the sons of Ammon ... and [you may] become head over all the inhabitants of Gilead. (Judges 11:6, 8)

What a deal! Asking Jephthah if he could fight was like asking Al Hirt if he could blow some jazz or A. J. Foyt if he could drive you around the block. That was Jephthah's day in court. After a brief cat-and-mouse interchange, the mobster signed the dotted line. Predictably, he annihilated the Ammonites in short order and the Tob Evening News rolled off the presses with the headline: 


Jephthah the judge. Fellow gangsters had to call him "Your Honor." What a switch! Jephthah had no rightful claim to such a high calling.

That would have been true—except for one thing: God's grace. Remember now, God is the One who builds trophies from the scrap pile . . . who draws His clay from under the bridge ... who makes clean instruments of beauty from the filthy failures of yesteryear.

To underscore this truth, consider Paul's stunning remark made to a group of unsophisticated Corinthian Christians:

Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were.
    (1 Corinthians 6:9–11a NIV)

Don't rush over those last eight words:

    And that is what some of you were . . .

Our Father, in great grace, loved us when you and I were Jephthah—a rebel or a drunk or a gossip or a crook or a liar or a brawler or a Pharisee or a playboy or an adulteress or a hypocrite or a do-gooder or a dropout or a drug addict. Looking for sinners, He found us in desperate straits. Lifting us to the level of His much-loved Son, He brought us in, washed our wounds, and changed our direction. All our church-going and hymn-singing and long-praying and committee-sitting and religious-talking will never ease the fact that we were dug from a deep, dark, deadly pit. And may we never forget it. Classic misfits . . . we.

But there is one major difference between Jephthah and us. God chose to reveal his past for everyone to read, while He chose to hide ours so none would ever know what colossal misfits we really are. Talk about grace!

==Written by Charles Swindoll == See more via <<Insight For Living>> Feel free to share and leave your comments.

May the good Lord bless you and grant you abundant grace to live for Him in holiness and righteousness. God bless.

...building the body of Christ.

Why Do We Suffer?

Text: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11

Of all the letters Paul wrote, 2 Corinthians is the most autobiographical. In it the great apostle lifts the veil of his private life and allows us to catch a glimpse of his human frailties and needs. You need to read that letter in one sitting to capture the moving emotion that surged through his soul.

It is in this letter alone that he records the specifics of his anguish, tears, affliction, and satanic opposition. In this letter alone he spells out the details of his persecution, loneliness, imprisonments, beatings, feelings of despair, hunger, shipwrecks, sleepless nights, and that "thorn in the flesh"—his companion of pain. How close it makes us feel to him when we picture him as a man with real, honest-to-goodness problems . . . just like you and me!

It is not surprising, then, that he begins the letter with words of comfort—especially verses 3 through 11 (please stop and read).

Now then, having read those nine verses, please observe his frequent use of the term comfort in verses 3-7. I count ten times in five verses that the same root word is employed by Paul. This word is para-kaleo, meaning literally, "to call alongside." It involves more than a shallow "pat on the back" with the tired expression, "the Lord bless you . . ." No, this word involves genuine, in-depth understanding . . . deep-down compassion and sympathy. This seems especially appropriate since it says that God, our Father, is the "God of all comfort" who "comforts us in all our affliction." Our loving Father is never preoccupied or removed when we are enduring sadness and affliction! Read Hebrews 4:14–16 and Matthew 6:31–32 as further proof.

There is yet another observation worth noting in 2 Corinthians, chapter 1. No less than three reasons are given for suffering—each one introduced with the term "that." Can you locate them? Take a pencil and circle the "that" in verses 4, 9, and 11. Quietly, without a lot of fanfare, the Holy Spirit states reasons we suffer:

1. "That we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction . . ." (v. 4). God allows suffering so that we might have the capacity to enter into others' sorrow and affliction. Isn't that true? If you have suffered a broken leg and been confined to crutches for weeks—you are in complete sympathy with someone else on crutches, even years after your affliction. The same is true for the loss of a child . . . emotional depression . . . an auto accident . . . undergoing unfair criticism . . . financial burdens. God gives His children the capacity to understand by bringing similar sufferings into our lives. Bruises attract one another.

2. "That we would not trust in ourselves . . ." (v. 9). God also allows suffering so that we might learn what it means to depend on Him, not on our own strength and resources. Doesn't suffering do that? It forces us to lean on Him totally, absolutely. Over and over He reminds us of the danger of pride . . . but it frequently takes suffering to make the lesson stick. Pride is smashed most effectively when the suffering comes suddenly, surprisingly. The express trains of heaven are seldom announced by a warning bell; they dash suddenly and abruptly into the station of the soul. Perhaps that has been your experience recently. Don't resent the affliction as an intruder—welcome it as God's message to stop trusting in your flesh . . . and start leaning on Him.

3. "That thanks may be given . . ." (v. 11). Honestly—have you said, "Thanks, Lord, for this test"? Have you finally stopped struggling and expressed to Him how much you appreciate His loving sovereignty over your life? I submit that one of the reasons our suffering is prolonged is that we take so long saying "Thank you, Lord" with an attitude of genuine appreciation.

How unfinished and rebellious and proud and unconcerned we would be without suffering! Alan Redpath, the beloved evangelist and former pastor of Moody Bible Church in Chicago, once remarked;

    When God wants to do an impossible task, He takes an impossible individual—and crushes him.

Here is another statement on suffering I heard years ago. I shall never forget it:

    Pain plants the flag of reality in the fortress of a rebel heart.

May these things encourage you the next time God heats up the furnace!

===Written by Charles Swindoll ===

...building the body of Christ.

Welcome To September!

From The Truth Media family,
Happy New Month!!!

May this month of September,
Be a month to remember,
Not for evil but for good;
So hold on to no morose mood. 
Do away with all your fears,
Let no test move you to tears. 
The lord will shield you from all harm
And comfort you under his arm. 
Brethren rejoice & hope again, 
Your faith in God won't be in vain. 
Arise & shine for your light has come,
And the glory of the lord has risen upon you; 
And his glory shall be seen on you. 
Amen (Isaiah 60:1-2)

Best of wishes to you all and God bless! Regards.

...building the body of Christ.

Where Will You Spend Eternity?

Where will you spend eternity?
This question comes to you and me!
Tell me, what shall your answer be?
Where will you spend, eternity?
            Eternity! Eternity!
            Where will you spend, eternity?

Many are choosing Christ today,
Turning from all their sins away;
Heav'n shall their happy portion be;
Where will you spend eternity?
            Eternity! Eternity!
            Where will you spend, eternity?

Leaving the straight and narrow way,
Going the downward road today,
Sad will their final ending be,
Lost thro' a long eternity!
            Eternity! Eternity!
            Lost through a long eternity!

Repent, believe, this very hour,
Trust in the Saviour's grace and power;
Then will your joyous answer be,
Saved through a long eternity!
            Eternity! Eternity!
            Saved through a long eternity!

...building the body of Christ.

Give Up Serving Mammon

How realistic is it to touch your nose with your toes? That's it; impossible! The same is applicable in living both for God and for worldly riches and gains. It's either one or the other; you can't serve two masters.

Our Lord Jesus made this clear in the Gospel according to Luke that “No servant is able to serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other… You cannot serve God and mammon [riches, or anything in which you trust and on which you rely]” (Luke 16:13). Many today devote most of their time chasing shadows, garnering fleeting treasures of little or no eternal relevance. Their daily goals centre on making a living that they eventually forget to live.

A sad reality in the world today is that people have placed the love of money and riches (mammon) higher than the love for God in their hearts. Men turn blind eye towards the need for God; their desires for the manifestation of His glory have been shattered. Self-sufficiency is enthroned, and what do we see? Entropy reigns.

For such puerile pursuit, families wallow in agony. Marriages have stooped to divorce. Togetherness, oneness and other tenets that strengthen family ties have been jostled to the rear because mummy has to work and daddy has to meet up with deadlines. Relationships are now anchored on money, thus the twisted axiom: 'for better for stay, for worse for go'.

Apostle Paul tagged such people as those whose god is their belly (Philippians 3:19). They forget the words of the Preacher: “He who loves silver will not be satisfied with silver, nor he who loves abundance with gain….” (Ecclesiastes 5:10-11).

Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, sounded a warning against such trifling pursuit of money, telling us to pay more attention to what counts for eternity. He said “…Guard yourselves and keep free from all covetousness; for a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions” (Luke 12:15).

When our lives are driven by the thirst for wealth and abundance or possessions, we scorn the purpose of God for our lives and subject His grace and love to ridicule. However, God is not against us having money and prospering in life. But He is against whatever will take His place in our hearts. And if God is displaced at the centre of our hearts as one whom we serve and live for, crisis, chaos, depression, disappointment and misery are inevitable.

“Do not gather and store up for yourself treasures on earth, where moth and rust and worm consume and destroy, and where thieves break through and steal… But gather for yourself treasures in heaven… For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:19-21).We are to “set our affections on things that are above, where Christ, is seated at the right hand of the God…” (Colossians 3:1-3).

The world is rushing on to perdition. All you see today may not be there tomorrow. “Vanity upon vanity, all is vanity”, says the Preacher. But have you counted the cost if your soul is lost due to money and the things of this world? What shall it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your soul? (Mark 8:36-37).

If Christ is all you have, then you have everything. Remember what He promised that “there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God who will not receive in return many times more in this world and, in the coming age, eternal life” (Luke 18:29-30; Matthew 19:29).

“We brought nothing into this world and obviously we cannot take anything out of the world; but if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content. But those who crave to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin. For the love of money is a root of all evils…” (1 Timothy 6:7-11).“Let your character be free from the love of money and be satisfied with your present situation…”(Hebrews 13:5).

If you are among the influx of people caught by the web of the love of money and are only concerned about life on earth forgetting eternity, now is the time to “seek the Lord while He may be found… and He will have mercy on you” (Isaiah 55:6-7).
Make this hymn your daily prayer as I do:

Thou, my everlasting portion,
More than friend or life to me;
All along my pilgrim journey,
Saviour, let me walk with Thee.

Close to Thee, (x4)
All along my pilgrim journey
Saviour, let me walk with Thee.

Not for ease or worldly pleasure,
Nor for fame my prayer shall be;
Gladly will I toil and suffer,
Only let me walk with Thee.

Close to Thee, (x4)
Gladly will I toil and suffer,
Only let me walk with Thee.

Only to walk with God, serving Him in spirit and in truth, and living for His glory by faith in Christ alone should be your purpose in life. All other things really do not count. Live everyday of your life with eternity in view and pressing forward to attain that crown of righteousness Apostle Paul talked about (2 Timothy 4:7-8).

“All has been heard (read); the end of the matter is: Fear God and keep His commandments; for this is the whole of man [original purpose under the sun] and the whole duty for every man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it is good or evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Romans 2:16).

If God is whom you truly serve, faithfully continue. If you have made mammon your lord, desist and defeat it in the name of Jesus.Now is the acceptable time to give up serving mammon!Standing at the crossroad is one dangerous place to ever be. You have to make a choice between God and mammon. The truth remains that you can't serve two masters.  It's either God or mammon. What will it be?

Reference: Amplified Bible
==Written by: Jacobs Adewale ===

...building the body of Christ.

A Ransom Was Paid

"For even the son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many"(Mark 10:45).

The word 'ransom' connotes a form of payment paid to get a relief by someone or offered to get freedom. It was extremely quintessential for this to be done. To be done by who? For whom? What is the ransom? For what?

A ransom was needed to be paid or was paid by JESUS on man's behalf to atone for his sin and to be restored back to his creator. The price of this restoration is to die on the cross of Calvary, as a son of man (mortal) not as a God (immortal), which makes it very difficult.

In the beginning, man through Adam committed sin which brought about the wrath of God and condemnation of man together with his accomplice -- the woman. This led to an embargo of destruction placed on man by God.

However, God was weary, so unhappy; He could not just put out what He created in his image. A strong wave of love was rekindled in God and God changed his mind about man's disobedience. One thing we must understand here is the infinite love of God. God is so magnanimous in mercy and in love. That is why it was very difficult for him to wipe out his resemblance creation.

God is unlimited, God is almighty, God is awesome, God is all-powerful; but one thing could limit him -- sin. Sin and God are sworn enemies. God hate to behold sin; when man committed sin in the Garden of Eden, God was seriously exasperated by the action of man. So God asked himself, "am I going to renege on my principle not to behold sin, even if Adam is my creation?" "No!" God retorted and decided to punish Adam and Eve for their misdeeds.

After a while, God was seriously troubled. God felt heartache, and on this particular day He assembled the council of elders, angels and arch-angels, the other two members of the trinity (Jesus & Holy Spirit) and other important personalities in heaven.

The meeting began; the presiding officer (God) announced the agenda of their gathering. Tranquility was what enveloped everybody present after hearing the brief for their meeting.

God spoke thus: "I have placed an embargo of destruction (death) on man after they disobeyed my commandment. My wrath is on them because I hate to behold sin which is now a tattoo on their skin. Sin is now permanently engraved on their body which will forever forbid me from interacting with them. However, since they are my creation, I'm emotionally attached to them, who will go and redeem them back to me?"

Heaven was totally silent over the utterance of God. Quietude was felt at every corner, knowing how weighty this assignment would be. In continuation of the meeting, God further spelt out the demand of this great assignment.

God said -- "Whoever will go, will or must live like a man. Whoever will go, we live in a mortal body, prone to carnality. Whoever will go must feel what man feels. Whoever will go, must carry the burden (sin) of man. That person will be a ransom, atonement for their sin, for their redemption to take place. Who is ready to pay the price for their soul to be restored back to me?" God sounded in a loud voice.

Looking at the weighty demands of God, there was anxiety and palpitations amongst members of this impromptu meeting. All remained silent but one. Who? St. John 1:1 tells us in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word is God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. I guess you know the person? Jesus of course!

Jesus the WORD, a member of the triune Godhead, courageously, boldly, selflessly, audaciously volunteered to prosecute God's assignment. Members of the council of elders trembled in awe of Jesus decisive decision that eventually sealed the fate of man for redemption. "And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14).

Now, what does this price to restore man back to God entails?
1. A sacrificial lamb to cleanse man of his sin (a price to let man go of his guilt).

2. Cover up the wrath of God that was hitherto definite & connecting them back to God (a linking channel between the creator and the created).

The journey of Jesus to the world eventually started but guess what? "He was in the world and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not" (John 1:10-11).

Above was the situation that unfolded at the arrival of the redeemer, whom the world despised so much. The world had expected him to come in His glory. The world expected the son of man to come in a chariot of army. To their utter dismay, He chose not that way, but an ordinary, mortal, fleshy body of man to execute His assignment.

Such is the way of God; the world did not know that the battle to restore man to God, need not an immortal but a mortal like them, to feel what they feel and to lead by example according to God's principles.

Moreover, has it not come to your understanding or reasoning that God Himself through Jesus actually laid His life for our atonement. He couldn't overlook man's sin despite His affinity with man. God created man in his image, we are His handiwork and it will be extremely unpleasant for Him, if man is destroyed. The unlimited God became limited by sin, so He had to offer His life to win us back to Himself. Don't forget, in the beginning, man was an immortal, man was a demi-god on earth, man was supposed to live forever before sin destroyed all these wonderful plans envisioned by God. This made God so bitter because a sinful body can no longer remain in the gathering of immortals, hence, the banishment. However, God saw a need for a mortal body to restore back man's immortality but not through an immortal messenger.

"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name which were born not of blood, nor of the will of flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God"(John 1:12-13).

Also, "And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away" (Isaiah 35:10).

In conclusion, a ransom was paid for you and I to be restored back to God. God initially banished us from His presence; He excommunicated us because of our sin. But luckily, luck shined on us, the word of God (Jesus) came down to the earth to bore our stripes, to feel our pain, to be buffeted by men, to borne our guilt, to be insulted by men, to carry our weighty cross(sin), and the ultimate--to die on our behalves. He could have declined but for His love and passion for us to be saved, He volunteered to be a sacrificial lamb. Beloved reading, there remained no more sacrifice or ritual, a ransom was paid already for you and I. It will be calamitous if this offer is rendered useless.

==Written by ODUNAYO EMMANUEL O. (Guest Writer) ==

Feel free to share and leave your comments. May the grace of the Lord be with you. God bless!

...building the body of Christ.

True Spirituality

Text: Philippians 3:3
...who put no confidence in the flesh. Phil 3:3b

The measure of true spirituality is in contrast to those who put confidence in some self-effort. Paul says, we "put no confidence in the flesh." We are living in an age that continually strives to get us to put confidence in the flesh. We are taught from childhood that the way to become proficient and competent and accomplish our aims and desires is to develop our self-confidence. This is what destroys human life. Self-confidence is not intended to be our strength, but rather it's to be our confidence in God. We were intended to face life recognizing we are weak, ineffectual, and unable, that it might drive us back upon the one who is totally adequate, and can be our total strength. This is the way God intended us to live. Therefore, the spirit of self-confidence is the most deadly lie that has ever been perpetrated upon the human race.

Now there is self-confidence that is based on God in us, but when it comes from something in ourselves, something we have learned or achieved, it is deadly. Paul says we have learned at last to put no confidence in the flesh. Even in religion there is strong emphasis on putting confidence in the flesh, or perhaps I should say, it is especially in religious areas we encounter this pressure.

Just this week (years ago) I read from from a pamphlet that is widely distributed monthly through the nation, which purports to be a guide to developing the Christian life. The writer said, "What I didn't know and had to discover the hard way is that if you don't have faith in yourself you hardly can have faith in people in the world, or in God. I had to see that God created us in his image, and we must have faith in the image. If we achieve that then we have his spirit within us and we can accomplish anything, even ridding ones self of sin."

That is the kind of perverted philosophy that is being widely purveyed today, that is literally holding millions of people in continual bondage to the flesh. It's no wonder that the spirit of the apostle flamed with indignation against this thing. Knowing the liberty that is in Christ Jesus, he puts the matter frankly. It begins with faith in God, and eliminates faith in self. When we have no confidence in the flesh, then we discover we can have full confidence in him who is able to do anything through us.

Do you see how any confidence at all in the flesh is over-confidence? We fear we are going to get over-confident. We don't mind a little, but we don't want to become over-confident. But Paul says any confidence at all is over-confident. He has no confidence in himself to do anything. None in his background, training, talents, accomplishments, no confidence in the time he spends in prayer, the number of chapters of scripture he reads, the number of verses he memorizes. No confidence in the power of his eloquence to persuade people or his devotion to move them. Furthermore, he has no confidence in anyone else who trusts in these things. The only one in whom he has confidence is Jesus Christ.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to share and leave your comments and reactions. May the grace of the Lord be with you.

Copyright Raystedman Ministries |

...building the body of Christ.

The Chess Board of Faith

Christians nowadays are playing Russian Roulette...
With their questionable Faith acting like on a stage play;
Living like a Saint only on Sundays...
Playing in the Devil's playground on weekdays!

The Saints are now seen in the Temple of Hypocrisy...
Teaching the Word but living with the World in trickery;
There are wolves amongst the chosen sheep's of God...
Walking freely on the ground of Gilead!

Beware of those who said they are of God;
But their fruits are rotten on the tree of triad;
The Devil...the lies...the mockery...
True believers of Christ are seen through their fruits in Trinity!

The hands of the Devil are working too...
Grabbing those who are weak and doubtful with their Faith;
Snatching those who are sleeping with sin...
The King of the Damned is plotting without disdain!

The hands of God is cradling you...
But you choose to turned your back and to let go;
From the clasped of righteousness and Holiness...
You choose to participate and play on..

**Copy Written All Rights Reserved (c) Erah Oalind/Rhea Alidon 2014**

...building the body of Christ.