Text: John 4:27-30, 39-42.
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evangelism |
Everyone who has received salvation from Jesus Christ has the responsibility of telling others about Christ and bringing them to Him for salvation from sin.
In our text above, the Lord Himself preached the gospel to the Samaritan woman who in turn brought many people from the city to Christ (verse 29,30). Today, many born again Christians give excuses why they cannot reach out with the gospel message to sinners around them. Some complain of persecution, trials, or personal needs and problems. We must remember the example of our Lord Jesus Christ who, though He was hungry, yet fulfilled His responsibility to the Samaritan woman
In like manner, the early church, in spite of the persecution they suffered, went everywhere preaching the gospel (Acts 8:4). We must not allow our present needs and problems- accommodation, financial needs, joblessness, persecution and ridicule from people to hinder us from bringing sinners to the Lord.
The present condition of our society should stir us up. Multitudes are sick and dying in sin daily without Christ and without any hope of heaven. Perilous times are here. Iniquity is abounding everywhere. Believers must awake to the divine call to bring sinners back to God before it is too late. We must work now while it is day because "the night cometh, when no man can work" (John 9:4).
We can bring men to Christ through personal relationship, friendship, literature, hospital and prison evangelism. We can also organize crusades, street meetings and lunch hour fellowship in offices as means of reaching the mass for Christ.
For a fruitful evangelism, we must take time to be holy, prayerful and study relevant passages in the Bible on salvation. Like Christ, we must have compassion for lost souls, be persistent and patient. We must also depend upon the Spirit of God for assistance always.
Above all, we must lift up Jesus alone in our messages, for He says: "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." If we neglect this duty, many more will be lost but if we obey, more souls will be saved from eternal damnation.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you for reading.
...building the body of Christ.
The church needs to work on this challenge. Some Christians think there is just one way of evangelizing to the world. Evangelism can be done via any means...you can evangelize to your neighbor by rendering good for evil, you can evangelize by caring for the sick,you can evangelize by feeding those who are hungry. So, it is not until you carry Bible around the neighborhood before you win souls for Christ. Sinners of our generation hardly want to hear the word of God. Instead of approaching them with Bible,do it in a systematic way, and you will be amazed at the rate at number of souls you are winning.