Needed Works Of Faith

Text: JAMES 2:10-26

An unsparing holiness preacher concerning whom little is known of his domestic life lived down town in a Council flat. He told his staff and congregation never to visit him at home without an appointment.
An usher living close by frequently flouted this rule preferring to come to the pastor’s house to submit reports without prior notice. The pastor desiring to know the reason asked the young man: “Did you realize you are disobedient by coming to my house without inviting you?” The usher answered: “I am sorry, but I did it that I might, by some chance, come to discover how you react to the provocations of belligerent neighbours, the disturbing noises of infant wards and mischief of domestic staff in your home. This I hoped, would help me beyond lessons from your sermons.”

Our profession may be great, but our conduct and attitude both in good and bad times are the real proofs of our hearts and the evidence of our faith.

In the text above, high premium is placed on faith evidenced by works. The faith that shows no corresponding positive traits is dead, and to say the least, worthless. True faith in the Lord Jesus Christ works out positive changes in the believer. If these desirable changes are not in our lives, it is doubtful whether we have been united with Christ.

Works of faith are the fruits of our Christian life made possible because of our living union with Christ. Those who are destitute of them have never known the Saviour including others who made only superficial commitment to follow Him.

We cannot produce this fruits on our own efforts outside of Christ. Even though we try to do what is good and right, staying close to Jesus and being obedient to His word is the only way to live a fruitful Christian life. We must determine to quit superficial Christianity and show evidence of our walk with God by bearing fruits of the Spirit.

Thought for you: A tree is known not by the leaves but by the fruits.

…building the body of Christ

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