Jesus The Burden Bearer

Text: Psalm 55:22; Isaiah 53:4-12

It rejoices our hearts that Jesus has not only secured our eternity with God, He is ever present to relieve us of our burdens even in this present evil world. What are you passing through? Is it trials, persecutions, poverty, depression, temptation, difficulties? Jesus the Burden Bearer had settled the bill for your freedom long ago on the cross. You don't have to continue to bear the burden. All you need to do is to take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

Jesus has done what none other could do. He was beaten for our healing; He bore our sins on the cross and rose triumphantly from the dead. He came down from His glory to have a taste of what we are going through and is now interceding for us in heaven and continues as long as the battle is ongoing. No one is qualified as He is to lay claim on the title "the Burden Bearer".

For the three (3) Hebrew men in the fiery furnace, Jesus identified with them in their problem, and delivered them from the fire. Mary and Martha when bereaved of Lazarus; Jesus moved with compassion wept at the grave side and raise him up. The disciples in the storm while struggling against the wind felt deserted, but Jesus came to their aid and rescue the situation. Elijah the prophet while under the threat of Jezebel, Paul while on the stormy sea and a host of others enjoyed this good gesture of burden bearing by the Lord.

These are evidences to show that the Lord cares about what happens to you and is always ready to deliver you from trouble. His everlasting arms will uphold us if we simply relinquish our unnecessary fears and cease from our own carnal efforts. The safety and serenity offered by such a complete reliance on Him will quieten our hearts even in our most desperate hours of difficulty. The eternal God is a never-failing help when we flounder in the sea of trial and sorrow.

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Christianity Is Dangerous

Read the Scripture: Acts 19:21-20:1

"After the uproar had ceased, Paul sent for the disciples, and when he had exhorted them and taken his leave of them, he left to go to Macedonia. Acts 20:1"

The martyrdom of Stephen
Paul is eager to explain to the Christians this whole uproarious riot that had just taken place in Ephesus. There is something about it he does not want them to miss, so he calls them together and exhorts them before he leaves. Luke does not tell us what that exhortation consisted of, but I believe that Paul does. There is a passage in his second letter to the Corinthians which refers to this very occasion. In 2 Corinthians 1:8 Paul says, For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of the affliction we experienced in Asia; for we were so utterly, unbearably crushed that we despaired of life itself (2 Cor. 1:8 RSV).
Put yourself back with the apostle into the midst of this tremendous uproar. It had appeared for a while that the gospel had so triumphed in Ephesus that Paul could think of leaving and going on to other places. Then this riot suddenly occurred, seeming to threaten the entire cause of Christ, and putting the Christians in great danger. Paul is crushed and distressed. His life is in danger. This crowd is so wild, so uncontrollable that for a few hours it looks as though they might just sweep through the city and wipe out every Christian in Ephesus. Paul says, ...we were so utterly, unbearably crushed that we despaired of life itself. Why, we felt that we had received the sentence of death... (2 Cor. 1:8b-9a RSV) He could not see any way out. It looked as if he had reached the end of the road. But God had a purpose: ...but that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. (2 Cor. 1:9b RSV)
That is the very heart of the Christian message, as Paul will go on to explain in this letter.Our sufficiency is not of ourselves, he says (2 Cor. 3:5). His explanation to these young converts in Ephesus was unquestionably along this line. He was saying to them, God has sent this event, has allowed it to happen to teach us that he is able to handle things when they get far beyond any human control. When our circumstances get way out of order, far beyond our own resources, God is able. He has taught us this so that we will not rely on ourselves but upon him who raises the dead, who works in us to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think, according to the power at work within us.
What an awareness this apostle had of the fantastic strength of the body of Christ working together, praying together, supporting one another, upholding each other in prayer and thus calling into action the mighty power of the God of resurrection, who can work through the most unexpected instruments to quiet a situation, to hold a crowd in restraint, to stop the surging emotionalism of people whose reasoning has been short-circuited, to hold them within limits and bounds, and to bring the whole affair to nothing! This is the might of our God.
This is what we can learn from this situation, as we too come into times of danger and pressure and trouble. The difficulties which strike suddenly in our lives, the pressures through which we must go, the sudden catastrophes that come roaring in out of the blue — these are sent so that we might rely not on ourselves but on God.
"Thank you, Father, for those trials and difficulties you bring into my life which teach me to depend not on myself but on you."
Copyright | by Ray Stedman Ministries |

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It Pays To Serve Jesus

It pays to serve Jesus, I speak from my heart
He’ll always be with us, if we do our part
There’s naught in this wide world can pleasure afford;
There’s peace and contentment in serving the Lord

I will love him far better than in days of yore
I’ll serve Him more truly than ever before,
I’ll do as He bids me, whatever the cost,
I’ll be a true soldier, I’ll die at my post.

And oft when I’m tempted to turn from the track
I think of my Saviour, my mind wanders back
To the place where they nailed Him on Calvary’s tree
I heard a voice saying, “I suffered for thee.”

A place I remember where I was set free
‘Twas where I found pardon, a heaven to me.
There Jesus spoke sweetly to my weary soul,
My sins were forgiven, He made my heart whole.

How rich is the blessing the world cannot give,
I’m satisfied fully for Jesus to live;
Though friends may forsake me and trials arise,
I am trusting Jesus, His love never dies.

There is no one like Jesus can cheer me today
His love and His kindness can ne’er fade away,
In winter and summer, in sunshine and rain,
His love and affection are always the same.

Will you have this blessing that Jesus bestows,
A free full salvation from sin’s bitter throes?
O come to the Saviour, to Calvary flee,
The fountain is opened, is flowing for thee.

The Decision Of The Wise

Text Matthew 25: 1-13

The plan of salvation as revealed in Christ’s death on the cross spans the whole race of man. It opens the door of salvation to whoever will repent of their sins: such a person will receive pardon. However, God in His Sovereignty will never force salvation on any man. Rather, every man has been charged with a personal responsibility to take a decision that will lead either to his salvation or damnation.

Consequently, every man is answerable to God on whatever decision he takes, either to believe and be saved or spurn God’s love and face the danger of unquenchable fire of hell.
Two classes of people are revealed to us in our text – the wise and the foolish virgins. The wise had extra oil and were ready for the bridegroom’s return. The foolish too had all the time to make adequate preparations, but they delayed till it was too late to make amends.

Likewise, as the world is running to a close, there are two notable classes of people today – the wise and the foolish. The wise are those who have responded to God’s call to repentance in utter abandonment of their idols and sinful pleasures. Like Noah and his family, they have come into God’s ark of safety and will be kept safe from God’s fiery judgment which is to come upon this world (2 Peter 3:10).

On the other hand are the foolish among whom are scoffers who deny the very existence of God, the fact of rapture and the judgment to come. The foolish are the presumptuous sinners who make mockery of sin, reject God’s plea and are holding on to the false believe that they will be saved by and by. Among the foolish are the people who hold on to a form of religion while denying the power that cleanses from all ungodliness and worldly lusts.

As God’s message of love comes to you today, be wise and repent. But if you reject Him, there will be no way of escape from the horror of hell. Don’t wait too late to be saved.

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Seek To Be Fair To All


KEY VERSE: “Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard” (Proverbs 21:13).

People often seek to enforce high standard of values for others than they are willing to do for themselves. To them, the golden rule, doing to others as you would wish them to do to you, is both a distraction and utterly unsuitable for our modern world driven by greed and avarice. But whatever man’s position, God’s standard remains unchanged, in time and eternity.

It is therefore not surprising that the Lord in our text, made sundry observations and contrasted moral values with vices. He wants us to draw vital lessons from them and allow the wisdom they bring to condition our lives.  He said that no matter how highly placed a king may be, God still has total control over his actions. And although many men would always justify their actions, God probes into the heart for hidden motives.

He appreciates justice more than mere sacrifice. And to Him, pride, whether shown openly or hidden in the heart, is sin. He says that the diligent usually prospers while the impatient often suffers from want. Those who amass wealth by lying or fraud thread the path of death, while robbers would eventually be destroyed by their wicked conducts. Men should eschew all evil, but possess purity in their actions. Men and women who perpetrate evil act would be overthrown by God, even as He expects the wise to learn from the judgment that comes to the wicked.

It is an act of wickedness to turn deaf ears to those who cry out for your assistance, especially when you are in a position to help. This is one reason the prayers of many people are not answered. Unknown to them, by shutting their ears to the pleas for help from others, they shut God’s ears to their own prayer for help. 

Therefore, if you desire good things from God, you must readily do good to others. God cares for you, but He also wants you to care for your fellow men. Therein lies happiness in life and a blessed reward in eternity.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When you help others, you help yourself too!

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Go And Tell Them

Send the gospel of salvation,
To a world of dying men;
Tell it out to ev'ry nation,
'Till the Lord shall come again.

Go and tell them, go and tell them,
Jesus died for sinful men.
Go and tell them, go and tell them,
He is coming. He is coming,
He is coming back again.

'Tis the church's great commission,
'Tis the Master's last command;
Christ has died for every creature,
Tell it out in every land.

Christ is gathering out a people,
To His name from every race;
Haste to give the invitation,
Ere shall end the day of grace.

Give the gospel as a witness,
To a world of sinful men;
Till the Bride shall be completed,
And the Lord shall come again.

...building the body of Christ.

He Suits Your Need

TEXT: JOSHUA 19:10-16

Key verse: “And the third lot came up for the children of Zebulun according to their families: and the border of their inheritance was unto Sarid” (Joshua 19:10).

Greed, envy and lack of contentment are behind most of the feuds and crises we have in many families, communities, nations and countries of the world. The desire to get what belongs to others and the lack of satisfaction with one’s lot and possession find expression in struggles, rivalries and wars that have engulfed many lands.

The church too, seems not to be totally free from these vices. We have struggle and clamour for power and position in many churches today. Envy, distrust and other forms of rancor are tearing the Church apart and weakening her influence on the world. All these are due to the fact that we fail to realize that our lots are given to us by God and He has done this according to our needs.

Our passage this morning spells out the portion given to the tribe of Zebulun as their inheritance in the Promised Land. Worthy of note is the fact that God gave them their portion “…according to their families …” that is, in proportion to their needs. In His wisdom and Omniscience, God apportioned to every tribe just what they need and just what suits them. No wonder there was no report of strife or feeling of dissatisfaction among the tribes of Israel over the lots given them. They had confidence in the wisdom of God who had chosen for them a worthy portion.

 There will be less strife in the world and there will be no feeling of envy and jealousy in the families and churches if we recognize and accept God’s wisdom in the portions we have in life. God is a good God and whatever He gives is for our good. If we sense a need for more, let’s ask Him in faith and trust His final judgment. This is the secret of peace and contentment.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Nothing betters what God gives.
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Overcome Fear

Text: Matthew 24: 22-30; 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear is an unpleasant feeling of anxiety or apprehension caused by the presence or anticipation of danger. It could come in form of frightening thoughts or unsettled mind. Fear is the opposite of faith or courage. Most times, it comes as a result of ignorance of God's power, lack of constant fellowship with God and listening to negative stories from others' experiences.

In the text of Timothy above, Paul, the apostle encouraged Timothy to be bold and courageous. Timothy, a young minister, was experiencing great opposition to his messages and to himself as a leader. Paul, therefore, urged him not to allow intimidation, or else, his effectiveness in the work of God will be neutralized. Any Christian who desires to serve God as Timothy did, must not allow fear of any kind to occupy his heart. No wonder , the Bible admonishes us to "fear not".

Fear is not of God. Scripture references abound that discourages fear. Such references include: Joshua 1:9; Isaiah 41:10; Genesis 26:24; Isaiah 43:1; Matthew 10:31; and Revelation 1:17. Some Christians today are afraid because of the uncertainty of the future. Some fear men - their parents, bosses, co-workers, neighbours, etc. Others fear enemies, evil spirits, and even death. Some are afraid of failure. Whatever the nature of fear in the life of any Christian, the consequences are always fatal. For this reason, we must endeavor to deal with it.

Fear either paralyses action or leads to irrational decisions. Saul, the first king of Israel, disobeyed God for fear of failure in battle. Esau sold his birthright for fear of death. Orpah went back from following her mother-in-law, Naomi, for fear of the future. Peter, the outspoken apostle, denied his Master for fear of what the people might do to him.

The result of fear cold be terrible. It must, therefore, not be found in the life of any Christian. Many Bible characters experienced it, but eventually overcame. A Christian who experiences fear must first examine his or her life to ensure that there is no sin. They will need to develop their faith through constant reading, hearing and meditation on God's Word.

Constant prayer and fellowship with God will build up courage in any Christian. Listening to testimonies of what God had done in the past will also help develop faith and courage to live for God. May the Lord make you bold as a lion.

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A Voice From Hell

Oh, why am I here in this place of unrest
When others have entered the land of the blest?
God's way of salvation was preached unto men;
I heard it and heard it, again and again.

Why did I not listen and turn from my sin
And open my heart and let Jesus come in?
For vain earthly pleasures my soul did I sell
The way I had chosen has brought me to hell.

I wish I were dreaming, but ah, it is true.
The way to be saved I had heard and I knew;
My time on the earth, oh, so quickly fled by,
How little I thought of the day I would die.

When God's Holy Spirit was pleading with me,
I hardened my heart and I turned from His plea.
The way that was sinful, the path that was wide,
I chose and I walked till the time that I died.

Eternally now, I must dwell in this place.
If I from my memory could but erase
The thoughts of my past which are haunting me so.
Oh, where is a refuge to which I can go?

This torture and suff'ring, how long can I stand?
For Satan and demons this only was planned.
God's refuge is Jesus, the One that I spurned;
He offered salvation, but from Him I turned.

My brothers and sisters I wish I could warn.
Far better 'twould be if I had not been born.
The price I must pay is too horrid to tell
My life without God led directly to Hell.

Oh, soul without Christ, will these words be your cry?
God's Word so declares it that all men must die.
From hell and its terrors, Oh, flee while you may!
So, come to the Saviour; He'll save you today!

***Written by: Oscar C. Eliason ***

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A Well Deserved Reward

TEXT:  JOSHUA 19:40-51
KEY VERSE: “When they had made an end of dividing the land for inheritance by their coasts, the children of Israel gave an inheritance to Joshua the son of Nun among them” (Joshua 19:49).

When God appoints a man and gives him an assignment, the responsibility is on the individual to reciprocate God’s good gesture by being faithful in carrying out the assignment and discharging his or her duty very well. It is only then that the individual becomes a beneficiary of the reward of faithful service.

In the narrative today, the Bible recounts the story of how the land of promise was divided after it was possessed under the leadership of Joshua. It shows how the tribe of Dan fought to increase their own portion and how Joshua, their faithful commander was rewarded according to the word of the Lord (verse 49,50).

As believers of today, we are not to be satisfied or complacent with the little portion of grace we have, service we are rendering, or in  fact, the little success we have. The Lord has promised to increase our greatness and reward us if we faithfully and valiantly fight the good fight of faith and dispossess the enemies of the inheritance that rightfully belongs to us.

Like Joshua, what God has spoken concerning your life will be fulfilled only if you faithfully fight and follow Him to the end. Joshua’s example is particularly instructive, worthy of emulation by all believers. He was single-minded in His devotion to Jehovah and in His loyalty to His leader Moses, throughout His years of services to him. At long last, Joshua triumphed through the wilderness and entered the Promised Land, led the people valiantly and got his deserved portion in the Promised Land. Faithfulness indeed counts and is rewardable.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Your good deeds do not go unnoticed.

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