Strive To Enter

TEXT: LUKE 13:23-35

Key verse: “Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able” (Luke 13:24).

Abraham Lincoln, in a speech he made in 1863, said: “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.”

Even now, this has been the attitude of many people. Unfortunately, some Christians are among them, living without heaven in focus. Based on the character of people, Jesus was certain that there would be few who would be saved. But He cautioned: “Strive to enter in at the strait gate.” For Him, it would take earnestness, focus and determination to make heaven. 

Jesus, while answering the enquirer’s question: “are there few that be saved,” was point-blank that those who merely wish they would make heaven but would not do anything about the salvation of their soul, could never get there. Many people, today, do not take this warning seriously. Some will even seek to enter through another way other than the right channel, while others will make attempt when it is too late and as such shall not be able to enter.

Earnestly give serious thought to your relationship with God. How much striving have you exerted to get into His Kingdom? Are you merely wishing you will be there? Make the most of today’s opportunity to enter through sincere repentance, faith in Christ and God’s kind of righteousness.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Heaven has no space for those who refuse to get saved. 
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...building the body of Christ.

Fix Your Eyes On Christ, Not The Storm

Text: Matthew 14: 24-33

Life is full of challenges. These challenges may come in the form of trials, temptations, distress, failures, etc. They are sometimes likened to the storms of life. Sometimes, the effects are devastating. We therefore need someone in the name of Jesus who has the capacity to support us at all times.

In our text, Peter had the privilege of walking on the sea on the bidding of Jesus, but when he was faced with turbulent wind, he lost faith and began to sink. Quickly, he cried to Jesus for help and He got him out. Jesus is always ready to render assistance to all Christians that are passing through the storms of life.

Your challenge can be spiritual, social, emotional, and others but God has the power to see you through it all. At times, they may be overwhelming. Fixing eyes on the problem will compound the situation. Note that Peter started sinking only when his eyes were on the boisterous wind. It is pertinent to understand that our Lord Jesus has solution to every situation.

Without any doubt our Lord Jesus is great. In our text, we noticed that despite the violent wind, He walked on the sea. When Peter was sinking, it was not difficult for Him to draw him out. Also, to the amazement of the people, He stopped the turbulent wind. With our eyes fixed on Jesus, we will receive support, encouragement, comfort, deliverance and many other things from Him. We therefore need to remain focused on Him.

Slave Of Sin

Once was I a slave of sin,
Christ paid it all and took me in,
Gave me joy and peace of mind,
I’ve seen the light; I’m no more blind.

Once was I a slave of sin,
Gloom held be bound; I couldn’t win;
I sought for ways to save my soul,
Christ came right through and took control.

He quelled my aches and swept my shame,
He healed my sores and since He came
Into my heart,
My garb of groans He tore apart.

Christ rescued me
From sinful ways;
At last I’m free
From droopy days.

Once was I a slave of sin
With hate and greed borne from within;
To see my Saviour at the cross,
All that I gained, I counted loss.

My hope was raised by God’s goodness,
I live by grace and righteousness;
I gave Christ all; I’m heaven bound,
I once was lost but now I’m found.

If sin still lurks within your soul,
Do come to Jesus and be whole;
His arms are truly open wide,
Surrender all; let go the pride.

===Written by: Jacobs Adewale ===

...building the body of Christ.

Why Will You Die?

God through Prophet Ezekiel posed a pertinent question to the children of Israel in Ezekiel 33:11. “Says unto them, as I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for WHY WILL YE DIE, O HOUSE OF ISREAL?”

God is obviously asking you the same question today – why will you die? Why will you die when Jesus gave His life as a ransom for your soul? Why will you continue to bear the shame and reproach of sin when He took our shame and reproach upon Himself? (Isaiah 53:4-10). Why will you remain poor when He became poor so that you can be rich toward God? (2 Corinthians 8:9). Why will you go to hell when He has already conquered hell on your behalf?

Why will you continue to serve in the slave market of sin when He has redeemed you with a price? (1 Corinthians 6:20). Why will you remain locked up in your sin when He has unlocked the chains of sin and death? Why will you remain far from God when by dying He bridged the gap between you and God, giving you an open access to Him? (Ephesians 2:8). Why will you remain in debt when He came to cancel all your debt? Why will you remain in bondage to sin or Satan when he already paid the price for your freedom? (Romans 6:18). Why will you remain in guilt and condemnation when His dying brought pardon and justification? (Romans 5:18). Why will you remain in sickness when He bore so many stripes for any sickness? (1 Peter 2:24).

Why will you continue in your ruthlessness when He came to give you forgiveness? (Ephesians 1:7). Why will you die when He has no pleasure in the death of a sinner? (Ezekiel 18:31-32). Why will you spend eternity in hell when He has prepared a bright and beautiful heaven of eternal rest and bliss for you? (John 14:2-3). Why are you hesitating to give Jesus the lordship over your life? How long do you intend to continue in your rebellion against God? Are you not tired of your sin? Why will you die in those sins?

Dear reader, don’t allow the sufferings and sacrifice of Christ to be in vain in your life. Please don’t take your soul with levity. Eternity is real. Judgement is sure. Surrender your life to Christ before it is too late. Don’t cross over into eternity without Him. I tell you the truth: eternity without Him will be very dark and dreary. You don’t want to have a taste of it. Accept Him today and escape the wrath to come!

--culled from Christian Women Mirror (April 2014 edition)

…building the body of Christ.


The hands of clock keep on turning...
The time is rolling...
The time ain't holding...
It'll keep on going...
What are you up to?
The devil is on a mission...
To keep you occupied with things...
That will keep you farther from God...
But will keep you closer...
To the cliff of your eternal destruction....

The time will not yield...
Nor freeze to hold and wait for you...
It'll keep on turning...
It'll keep on going...
What are you building here below?
Is it essential to what is above?
Is it productive for God's Glory?
 Is it acceptable in God's eyes?
And Holy to bring forth into His hands...

The sound of clock is loud and clear...
And it will never stop...
The time is precious...
The time is unstoppable...
Nor you can pause it as you please...
What are you investing here on Earth?
Is it valuable for the Heaven's realm?
Does it have equity for Eternity?
Or only for World's vanity?
The devil doesn’t sleep...
The devil doesn’t rest...
He is on a mission to snatch you in a hurry!

Time is moving...
Time is proving...
Time is testing...
Time is winning...
The clock is ticking...
What are you waiting?
And why are you stalling?
Now is the time to reap and sow...
Don't wait for tomorrow...
The eyes of the Sparrow is watching us...
Day and night in a hollow...
He will not blink...
He will not rest...
He will not ignore your Spiritual sorrow!

**Copy Written All Rights Reserved (c)Erah Oalind/Rhea Alidon 2014**

...building the body of Christ.