Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

Believing Is Seeing!

Text: Matthew 21:21-22; James 1:6

“If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20). Jesus was telling us that before we can see the supernatural happen we must first believe in the possibility of it.

When the Holy Spirit came with power upon the first generation of Christians, it was, at least in part, because they expected to see God’s power revealed. They had seen it before, and they would settle for nothing less. A mudpack in a blind man’s eyes is not supposed to return his sight, but it did! Five loaves and two small fishes are not enough to feed five thousand hungry people, but they were! Dead people do not come alive again, but they did!

All these things and more they had seen at the hands of the One who told them, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do” (John 14:12). They expected Christ to keep His word and He did.

Do we really believe this today? Do you believe it? Have your expectations of Jesus and His power been dimmed somehow? Have you filed them away in the dark, dusty corner of what used to be? Will you be satisfied with less than those who passed the message of Christ along to you?

What do you believe about God’s ability to transform lives today? These are questions each of us must answer. For I tell you that we experience no greater manifestation of His power than we are willing to believe, nay, expect. Whether we think Christ can and will, or cannot and will not, we will always be right. “be it unto you according to your faith and believe.”

Our expectations become self-fulfilling prophecies. From the world’s perspective ‘seeing is believing’, but as Christians, you first have to ‘believe it to see it’ or rather, you can and will only see God’s power transforming your circumstances when you eventually bring yourself to believe in Him and His word.

Finally brethren, our expectations largely determine our future experience. However, “it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy” (Romans 9:15-16).

*** By Robert Leslie Holmes | The Breath of Abundant Life ***

...building the body of Christ

Kenneth Hagin On “Faith Is An Act”

Text: James 2:14-26; Mark 9:20-26

Some years ago, a friend of mine told me about a woman evangelist who preached in the early days of the Pentecostal Movement. In one of her meetings, she ministered to four people in wheelchairs. To all four she said in a quiet voice, “Arise and walk in Jesus’ Name!”

And they all got up and walked – except the fourth one. “I can’t walk,” she said. “The others couldn't walk, either,” the evangelist pointed out, “but they did.” The woman replied, “I know they did, but I can’t walk. I haven’t walked in years. I can’t walk.” And the evangelist had to walk away and leave her sitting there, still in unbelief.

Results Are Forthcoming

You see, when those first three people began to act upon what was told them, results were forthcoming. When you act upon what God’s Word says, or act upon what the Holy Spirit may speak to your heart, results are forthcoming. That is faith!

Faith is an act

A woman in one of the churches I pastored had arthritis and was in a wheelchair. The doctor had told her some years before that her body eventually would become rigid and she wouldn't be able to move. She would become confined to a wheelchair, her body fixed in a sitting position. And it did come to pass; her body was stiff as a board.

She and her husband never missed a service. Now, I could pray for this woman and she would receive instant healing for such minor ailments as the flu or a cold. But it bothered me that she never once asked for prayer for healing from the arthritis.

There were people in that church who had been healed of very serious ailments, and I knew it was God’s will to heal her too. Some might argue, “Well, it may not be God’s will,” but I know it is God’s will to heal people! (That doesn't mean that Christians who don’t get healed aren't going to heaven. It just means they are robbed of a blessing while on this earth.)

One afternoon a small group of us from the church went to this crippled, woman’s house to pray with her determined to see her delivered from that wheelchair. As we prayed, I saw exactly what God wanted me to do.

I said to everyone, “Get back away from her.” We were in a large room. I went across the room from her and said, “Everybody watch, but I don’t want anyone to touch her. Stay away from her.” Then I pointed a finger at her and said, “Now, my Sister, arise and walk in the Name of Jesus Christ!”

My wife and I and the members of that prayer group are witnesses to the fact that the power of God lifted her up out of that chair. She sat suspended in mid-air above the wheelchair! She could move her arms and immediately she reached down with those little, crippled hands for the wheelchair. The moment she did, she fell back down into the chair.

As she did, without thinking – I know it was the Spirit of God in me – I pointed to her and said, “Sister, you don’t have an ounce of faith, do you? You don’t believe you’ll ever be healed of this arthritis, do you?” She blurted out, “No, Brother Hagin, I don’t. I’ll die and go to my grave with it.” And she did.

It’s Up To You To Obey

You cannot receive from God beyond actual faith. Do you know what would have happened if she had cooperated with God’s healing power? She would have been healed. Every joint in her body would have been loosened. She would have begun to walk!

Too many people think that God’s power – healing power, Holy Spirit power – is going to move on them and make them do something whether they want to do it or not. No! That wouldn't be the Holy Spirit; that would be an evil spirit. Evil spirits force, drive, and compel you to do things. But the Holy Spirit urges, prompts, or gives a gentle push. Then it is up to you to respond. It is up to you to obey.

While I was conducting a meeting in Texas, a woman in that town wrote a friend in another city, telling her how many were receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit in the services. She invited her friend down for the weekend services.

The friend drove down and was in two of our services before coming forward to receive the Holy Spirit. I laid my hands on her head, prayed and the Holy Spirit came upon her. The utterance came. But I couldn't get her to respond or receive.


In the next service, which was Sunday morning, she came again for prayer. Once again the Holy Spirit came upon her and gave her utterance, but again she did not yield and receive. I knew exactly what was wrong, but I knew it would take time to instruct her, and it was getting late. I turned the service over to the pastor.

Then I slipped through the side door and was walking across the parking lot toward the parsonage when I saw her sitting in her car. She looked disappointed as she sat there a moment before turning the ignition key to begin her journey home.

I asked the Lord to let me help her. Instantly the Spirit of God showed me how to quickly help her. I walked over to her car, opened my Bible to Acts 2:4, and as I handed it to her through the window, I asked her to read it aloud.

She read, “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” “Sister,” I asked, “who does the Scripture say did the speaking with tongues?” She replied, “It says the Holy Ghost did.”

I asked her to read it again. She read it again. I asked her the same question. She gave the same reply. So I repeated the question. Finally, on the fourth time around, she caught on that something must be wrong, so she began to read slowly, “And – they – were – all – filled – with – the – Holy – Ghost – and – began – to – speak…”

Looking astonished, she said, “Why, THEY did!” She took my Bible out of its case and examined it. She said she thought perhaps I had a different Bible from hers, but it was the same – a Scofield reference edition.

“You know,” she said, “I always thought the Holy Spirit did the speaking.” I told her I had known that. Then I said, “Let’s read several other Scriptures. God’s Word says that out of the mouth of two or three witnesses shall a thing be established.”

We read Acts 10:44-46: While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision, which believed, were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard THEM speak with tongues and magnify God….

“Oh,” she exclaimed, “I see it!”

“That’s two witnesses,” I said. “Let’s get three.” So we read Acts 19:6, “And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and THEY spake with tongues, and prophesied.”

The woman said, “You know, Brother Hagin, if I had been called to testify in a court and the lawyer had asked me who did the speaking in tongues, I would have said the Holy Spirit did, and I would have thought I was telling the truth.”

I said, “I want to ask you something. When I laid my hands on you, did you sense the Holy Spirit? Did the power of God come upon you?”

“Absolutely,” she answered.
“Did your tongue want to say something that wasn't English?”
“Why,” she said, “it was all I could do to keep it from it.”
“You’re not supposed to keep it from it,” I told her.
“You’re supposed to cooperate. When the Holy Spirit gives you utterance, you must have faith to act.”

Immediately she began to speak in a most beautiful tongue.

Faith Is Acting On God’s Word

It’s time to quit hanging around and to start acting on the Word of God, because faith is acting.

Believe all things are possible

I was in one church where there was a man who had been severely burned over the lower part of his body. He couldn't walk; he just scooted along. In one of the services, the Holy Spirit told me to have everyone who had something wrong with them from their hips down to come into the healing line. This man was the first in line.

I waited until they were all in line before I told them what else God had said for me to tell them to do. I went up to this man and asked, “Can you run?”

It took him by surprise. “Oh, my God, no,” he said. “I can’t even walk, much less run.”
I said, “That’s what the Lord has told me to do – to tell you to run.”

The man didn't even give it a second thought. He turned and started scooting up the aisle as fast as he could. The third time he came around, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and I jumped off that platform, grabbed the man by the hand, and ran around that building with him. When we got back to the front, he was walking normally; not scooting. He was perfectly healed.

However, if I hadn't been able to get him to cooperate and act on his faith, I couldn't have helped him. Faith, you see, is acting on God’s Word – doing whatever He says to do in His Word, or whatever He may say to us in the Spirit.

It’s one thing to believe. It’s another to believe and act on that belief!

*** Written by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin | Hope Faith Prayer Ministry ***

...building the body of Christ

Have You Any Room For Jesus?

Have you any room for Jesus,
He who bore your load of sin?
As He knocks and asks admission,
Sinners, will you let Him in?

Room for Jesus, King of glory,
Hasten now, His word obey,
Swing the heart’s door widely open,
Bid Him enter while you may.

Room for pleasure, room for business,
But for Christ the crucified;
Not a place that He can enter,
In your heart for which He died?

Have you any time for Jesus,
As in grace He calls again?
O today is time accepted,
Tomorrow you may call in vain.

Room and time now give to Jesus,
Soon will pass God’s day of grace;
Soon thy heart left cold and silent,
And thy Saviour’s pleading cease.

...building the body of Christ

Jesus The Burden Bearer

Text: Psalm 55:22; Isaiah 53:4-12

It rejoices our hearts that Jesus has not only secured our eternity with God, He is ever present to relieve us of our burdens even in this present evil world. What are you passing through? Is it trials, persecutions, poverty, depression, temptation, difficulties? Jesus the Burden Bearer had settled the bill for your freedom long ago on the cross. You don't have to continue to bear the burden. All you need to do is to take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

Jesus has done what none other could do. He was beaten for our healing; He bore our sins on the cross and rose triumphantly from the dead. He came down from His glory to have a taste of what we are going through and is now interceding for us in heaven and continues as long as the battle is ongoing. No one is qualified as He is to lay claim on the title "the Burden Bearer".

For the three (3) Hebrew men in the fiery furnace, Jesus identified with them in their problem, and delivered them from the fire. Mary and Martha when bereaved of Lazarus; Jesus moved with compassion wept at the grave side and raise him up. The disciples in the storm while struggling against the wind felt deserted, but Jesus came to their aid and rescue the situation. Elijah the prophet while under the threat of Jezebel, Paul while on the stormy sea and a host of others enjoyed this good gesture of burden bearing by the Lord.

These are evidences to show that the Lord cares about what happens to you and is always ready to deliver you from trouble. His everlasting arms will uphold us if we simply relinquish our unnecessary fears and cease from our own carnal efforts. The safety and serenity offered by such a complete reliance on Him will quieten our hearts even in our most desperate hours of difficulty. The eternal God is a never-failing help when we flounder in the sea of trial and sorrow.

Thank you for reading. Feel free to leave your comments, suggestions, replies and request. We would love to hear from you.

...building the body of Christ.