Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

How To Please God

You become like the people you spend the most time with, so choose your friends carefully. If you spend time with angry, resentful people, you risk becoming an angry, resentful person yourself. That’s because attitudes are contagious.

Here’s a wonderful story that illustrates the point.

A man purchased a newspaper at a newsstand every day. He always greeted the vendor very courteously, but in return received very gruff and discourteous service; the vendor would rudely shove the newspaper in his face.

The man, however, would politely smile and wish him a nice day. This went on for several days until a friend asked, ‘Does he always treat you this rudely?’ The man replied, ‘Unfortunately, he does.’

The questioner asked, ‘Are you always polite and friendly to him?’ The man replied, ‘Yes, I am.’ The questioner continued, ‘Why are you so nice to him when he’s so rude to you?’ The man replied, ‘Because I don’t want him to decide how I’m going to act.’

The Bible says: “If you suffer for doing good and endure it patiently, God is pleased with you. For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example and you must follow in His steps.

He never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone. He did not retaliate when He was insulted, not threaten revenge when He suffered. He left His case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly’ (1 Peter 2:20-23).

“Without faith”, says Hebrews 11:6, “it is impossible to please God”. It’s good to have faith but having only faith is not enough; it must be accompanied correspondingly by works of righteousness in the newness of life born of God in Christ Jesus (James 2:14-17).

As a born-again believer, there are several ways to please God but when you live a life that daily glorifies and reflects the character of God in accordance with His commandments and will; this is how to truly please God.

...building the body of Christ

The Ineffectual Gospel And The Potency Of Evil

Of all the perennial questions about God and His existence on the lips of unbelievers, these two seem not to have gotten sufficient answers as required: ‘Does God really care?’ ‘You say He is a loving and just God but why does He allow so much evil and corruption and wickedness in the world?’

You see, evil was never God’s invention from the beginning. “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good…” says Genesis 1:31. So where did the evil come from? Add letter ‘D’ to the word ‘evil’ and there you have where all the evil came from – The Devil.

But wasn’t he created by God Almighty? Doesn’t that mean God also created evil?

The concept of creation is such that, when a thing or an entity is created for a purpose, its very creation also confers on the thing or entity a tendency of being repurposed contrarily. That is why a household knife created to serve as a cooking utensil for chopping in the kitchen could as well become a tool for murder on the street.

So, if a thing such as a household knife created with and for a noble purpose could turn into an injurious weapon, what then can be said about a creature with the mind, intellect, image, and nature of God yet, possessing free will?

With the fall of man from the time of Adam and Eve, evil was born. It has misled and still misleads men and woman into acting against the will and plan of God for humanity. But God couldn’t be content beholding His precious creation treading on the path of destruction.

So, a sacrifice was required and a decision was made. And while evil permeated (even till now) the hearts of men to desecrate the world, God devised a flawless solution.

To proffer answers to the above questions unbelievers often ask: ‘Does God really care?’ Oh, certainly yes, He does care and very much. All along the troubled history and evolution of man, God has always presented Himself as a willing and able refuge in times of need (Psalm 46:1-2). In spite of our unfaithfulness and weaknesses, His faithfulness endures forever (Psalm 117:2; 100:5).

Sometimes, however, His way of caring comes in the form of chastisement. As was often the case of the children of Israel whenever they disobey God and embrace idolatry.

The fact is, when God chastises, it leaves one with an unforgettable experience of pain to always remind of not taking the popular self-destructive road that seemeth right unto man (Proverbs 14:12; 16:25).

Besides, in all candidness, what is genuine love without discipline? That is why “the Lord disciplines the ones He loves and He chastens everyone He accepts as His own” (Hebrews 12:5-11).

‘You say He is a loving and just God but why does He allow so much evil and corruption and wickedness in the world?’ Thousands of years ago, God answered this question Himself and has taken a commendable step for all eternity.

But because the ‘whole world is presently under the control of the evil one’, and the reign of the god of this world is yet unfulfilled, God’s palliative measure would at the moment appear ineffective. Still, its efficacy in the lives of those who have responded to God’s call cannot be overridden.

What then was and is this God’s palliative measure referred to? It is the GOSPEL and what it inevitably offers to this dying and perverse world is not a savior but ‘the Saviour’, JESUS CHRIST, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

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Let’s consider this for some seconds: if the Gospel of Jesus Christ that Christianity preaches is so potent enough to curb the outspread of evil we see in the world, why hasn’t there been revival across nations? Whereas, hate, injustice, and killings are daily on the rise and nothing seems to change.

What could be wrong? You ask, right? Here is a probable answer I have found.

While studying and meditating on my DCLM daily devotional for May 16, 2018, I came across an intriguing analogy I want to share with you.

A soap manufacturer, who was an unbeliever, walked along the road one day with a preacher of the gospel. The soap manufacturer said, ‘The gospel you preach has not done much good, for there is still a lot of wickedness in the world and a lot of wicked people too.’

The preacher made no reply until they passed a dirty little child, making mud pies in the gutter. Seizing his opportunity, the preacher said: ‘Soap has not done much good in the world, I see; for there is still much dirt and dirty people about.’

‘Oh, well,’ said the soap manufacturer, ‘soap is only useful when it is applied.’ ‘Exactly!’ said the preacher, ‘so it is with the gospel.’

The Gospel is as useful and effective as its acceptance and application. The moral, spiritual and physical condition of this world has turned from bad to worse (and heading to worst) not because the Gospel is ineffectual but because it is poorly preached and as such, it becomes unconvincing to accept as the liberating truth.

Worse still, is the saddening reality of professed believers who, either reluctantly or willfully accepted the Gospel, battle with the concept of total surrender of self to put on Christ. They wrestle with the idea of complete obedience to the Word of God (Gospel) and would rather adhere to the commandments that soothe their egos while ignoring the discomforting ones.

“This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil….” (John 3:19-21). Unless mankind gets to the point where the works of the flesh are loathed, self and its esteem are insufficient, the pride of life becomes insignificant, a burning sensation to experience heaven arises within and the soul desires more out of life than just to exist, the Light of God will never be appreciated.

Though the god of this world has blinded the minds of many so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ… (2 Corinthians 4:4), all glory to God that the Advocate (Holy Spirit) has come to prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment… and redirecting the lost back to the Shepherd of their souls (John 16:7-11; 1 Peter 2:25).

Oh, can you now see what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God? Having sent His only begotten Son to destroy the works of the Devil and to reconcile us back to Himself, it behooves on us to show gratitude by our unwavering faith in Him and by loving Him with all of our heart, soul, and mind. And this we can evidently do by keeping His Word and commandments (See: 1 John 3:1-3, 8; Colossians 1:19-20; 2 Corinthians 5:18-19; Luke 10:27; John 14:15).

So, you see now that while evil remains potent in the world, the Gospel of Christ is not in any way ineffectual by any standards. People have only failed to accept and apply it in their lives. The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved, it is the power of God unto salvation (1 Corinthians 1:18; Romans 1:16-17).

Finally, brethren, let the world delight in evil and the children of God be true to their calling in Christ. Let those who are unjust continue and let those who are filthy be filthy still; let the righteous persevere and the holy, be holy still.

It is certain that soon, all men shall face the judgment seat of Christ and He shall give to every man according as his work shall be - whether it is good or evil (See: Revelations 22:11-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 2:5-11).

Let those with ears hear and those with eyes see, that they may know what will become of everyone when the trumpet shall sound.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.

*** Written by Michael Olajubu alias Jacobs Adewale (Admin) ***

...building the body of Christ

Don’t Go By Your Feelings

God gave you feelings and you should never be ashamed of them. They can alert you to danger and give you insights into various situations.

God actually uses our feelings to draw us closer to Him and highlights areas in our lives that need to be submitted to His Holy Spirit. But feelings are subjective; you can’t always trust them.

One counselor says: ‘When old feelings creep back in we feel fearful, ashamed, hopeless, not good enough, unloved, victimized, helpless and resentful… An event can trigger these reactions … ending a relationship, stress, problems at work and at home, times of change or illness … and sometimes these feelings return for no reason.’

So you must ‘test your feelings’, otherwise you’ll end up living … ‘a life shaped by things and feelings instead of by God’ (Colossians 3:5 TM).

It can be disastrous to act on what you see, hear and feel. Instead of reacting to feelings, you must learn to act on what God’s Word says. That’s the gold standard, and it never changes! For instance, even if you feel like you can walk on water, you can only do it if God has called you to step out of the boat.

Paul says, ‘…my prayer is that you …abound …in knowledge and …insight… that you may be able to discern what is best…’ (Philippians 1:9-10 NIV).

This is the bottom line: you are not defined by your feelings; you are defined by what God says about you. You may feel worthless, but God says, ‘…You are precious to Me … I love you’ (Isaiah 43:4 NLT). You may feel like a failure but God says, ‘There is… no condemnation for those… in Christ (Romans 8:1 NIV).

...building the body of Christ

Boasting Or Belittling

We all know how painful it is to be forced to listen to a confirmed boaster sound off on his favourite topic - himself. To be the captive of such a man even for a short time tries our patience to the utmost and puts a heavy strain upon our Christian charity.

Boasting is particularly offensive when it is heard among the children of God, the one place above all others where it should never be found. Yet it is quite common among Christians, though disguised somewhat by the use of the stock expression, “I say this to the glory of God.”

Some boasters appear to feel a bit self-conscious, and apologize meekly for their outbursts of self-praise. Others have accepted themselves as being all their doting relatives and friends claim they are, and habitually speak of themselves in reverent terms, as if their superiority was a matter of common knowledge too well established to require proof. Such a one was the concert singer who replied to a glowing compliment after a performance, “Well, what did you expect?”

God is very patient with His children and often tolerates in them carnal traits so gross as to shock their fellow Christians. But that is only for a while. As more light comes to our hearts, and especially as we go on to new and advanced spiritual experiences, God begins to impose disciplines upon us to purge us from the same faults He tolerated before. Then He permits us to say and do things that react unfavourably against us and expose our vanity for what it is.

It may then happen in the providential will of God that the very gift we have boasted of may be lost to us or the project we are so proud of will fail. After we have learned our lesson the Lord may restore what He has taken away, for He is more concerned with our souls than with our service. But sometimes our boasting permanently hurts us and excludes us from blessings we might have enjoyed.

Another habit not quite so odious is Belittling ourselves. This might seem to be the exact opposite of boasting, but actually it is the same old sin travelling under a nom de plume. It is simply egoism trying to act spiritual. It is impatient Saul hastily offering an unacceptable sacrifice to the Lord.

Self-derogation is bad for the reason that self must be there to derogate. Self, whether swaggering or groveling, can never be anything but hateful to God.

Boasting is an evidence that we are pleased with self; belittling, that we are disappointed in it. Either way we reveal that we have a high opinion of ourselves. The belittler is chagrined that one as obviously superior as he should not have done better, and he punishes himself by making uncomplimentary remarks about himself. That he does not really mean what he says may be proved quite easily. Let someone else say the same things. His eager defense of himself will reveal how he feels and has secretly felt all the time.

The victorious Christian neither exalts nor downgrades himself. His interests have shifted from self to Christ. What he is or is not no longer concerns him. He believes that he has been crucified with Christ and he is not willing either to praise or deprecate such a man.

Yet the knowledge that he has been crucified is only half the victory. “Nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Christ is now where the man’s ego was formerly. The man is now Christ-centered instead of self-centered, and he forgets himself in his delighted preoccupation with Christ.

Candour compels me to acknowledge that it is a lot easier to write about this than it is to live it. Self is one of the toughest plants that grow in the garden of life. It is, in fact, indestructible by any human means. Just when we are sure it is dead it turns up somewhere as robust as ever to trouble our peace and poison the fruit of our lives.

Yet there is deliverance. When our judicial crucifixion becomes actual the victory is near; and when our faith rises to claim the risen life of Christ as our own the triumph is complete. The trouble is that we do not receive the benefits of all this until something radical has happened in our own experience, something which in its psychological effects approaches actual crucifixion.

What Christ went through we also must go through. Rejection, surrender, loss, a violent detachment from the world, the pain of social ostracism - all must be felt in our actual experience.

Where we have failed is in the practical application of the teaching concerning the crucified life. Too many have been content to be armchair Christians, satisfied with the theology of the cross.

Plainly, Christ never intended that we should rest in a mere theory of self-denial. His teaching identified His disciples with Himself so intimately that they would have had to be extremely dull not to have understood that they were expected to experience very much the same pain and loss as He Himself did.

The healthy soul is the victorious soul and victory never comes while self is permitted to remain unjudged and uncrucified. While we boast or belittle we may be perfectly sure that the cross has not yet done its work within us. Faith and obedience will bring the cross into the life and cure both habits.

** Written by Aiden Wilson Tozer (A.W. Tozer) **
*** From the Book - "Man: The Dwelling Place of God" ***

...building the body of Christ

6 Reasons Why God May Not Answer Your Prayer

Prayer is one of the most misunderstood subjects in the Bible. It attracts different interpretations, definitions, as well as misconceptions from people.

Some believe prayer is an avenue to express sentiments towards God, some other people believe prayer must be impeccably arranged for it to receive answers, but that's not the case. Prayer is a means through which we communicate our thoughts, intentions, desires and express intimacies towards God – it is a two-way flow of communication between man (humanity) and his Maker (Divinity) (Exodus 33:17-19).

In Matthew 7:7-8, Jesus gave a blunt and direct assurance that those who ask, seek and knock through prayer shall receive their requests. Prayer is the most effective platform we communicate with the prayer-answering God (Jeremiah 33:3, Psalm 50:15). But the probing question here is, "If this is true and these scriptural passages about God answering prayers swiftly (James 5:17-18, 1 Kings 18:24) are potent, why are some prayers not answered?"

Some set of people argue that the manner or way at which prayers are presented could determine its possibility to attract answer or rejection from God. At this stage, it is highly imperative for us to know that God still answers the prayers and desires of anyone who believes and calls upon Him for help, in the same frequency He answered scriptural personalities.

Hitherto, He still answers, even at higher velocity. He is the same every time! (Hebrews 13:8). But obviously, there are times God seems to be "silent" or "late" in granting answers to some prayer requests, especially our major expectation, requests or desires, while others receive instant answers. The question here is what could be responsible for this?

We seem to experience this sporadically in our walk with God. We often think God gives preference to some prayer requests than the other or deliberately ignores some prayers. In tandem with this rumination, we consequently begin to doubt God's acceptance of the prayer or rather hold the devil liable as he did in Daniel 10:12-13.

Whatever is our resolves, we need to be conscious of the fact that there are scripturally proven reasons why God may choose not to answer your prayer, and here are six (6) of the reasons.

(1) The Lack of Spiritual Capacity to Handle Such Answer

God is our heavenly Father and He always desires consistent intimacy with Him. He is of full apprehension of the answers our spiritual status can handle per time, so he wouldn't give us what out spirituality cannot handle.

God is merciful and jealous, He wouldn't give us if there is an assurance of you using the money for sinful acts or derailing from Him.

(2) When God Has Something Greater Than Our Request

Most times, we pray consistently on a request and see no instant result. It could be that God has something greater than our demands which He would release at an appointed time.

When God says "No", it is because a bigger "Yes" will follow. Our minds are not configured to conceive beforehand God's thoughts and plans for us (1 Corinthians 2:9). We only know they are good (Jeremiah 29:11). This oblivious state of our mind about His better plans makes us pray for lesser things.

We're intimately aware of the certitude that God will never do what is lesser or contrary to His plan or will for our lives. He never wants His people to settle for less but for bigger things. So, He refrains from giving our lesser requests and grants His bigger plan(s).

Therefore, whenever we experience delay in getting answers to some prayers, check this!

(3) In Order to Clear Testimonies’ Devourers

We're of full understanding that we live in a world of battles, contentions and victory. The world is not for funfair but warfare (1 Peter 5:8, 2 Corinthians 2:14). There are possessed individuals, powers and diabolic operations targeted at aborting answers to our prayers and breakthroughs (Psalm 74:20, Daniel 10:12-13, 1 Corinthians 16:9).

Many people who pray fail to acknowledge the existence of testimonies' devourers whose agenda is to prevent the delivery of released answers to prayers. But our God who sees all (2 Chronicles 16:9) would destroy the devourers and then in His time, will release the answers to His children’s prayers (Luke 20:42-43).

(4) Intention of Prayer

Many answers to prayer requests are delayed or truncated because of the motive for the requests (James 4:3, Jeremiah 17:10). Intention determines possession. Some prayers are born out of strife, jealousy and intention to intimidate, while some to satisfy selfish, fleshy and sinful desires.

Though we serve a prayer-answering God, but He'll not give what will not bring glory to His name and kingdom. Intention is the raw material for answered prayers. If God does not give you what you want, it is because it is not what you need.

(5) If The Answer Would Cause Danger

God so much cherish and value us that He wouldn't give us what would endanger our lives (Zechariah 2:8). He knows what we don't know, He sees the end from the beginning (Isaiah 55:9) and He knows what is good for us and would never release what is injurious to our precious lives and destinies.

In prayers, out of desperation many ask for what they think is "good" for them which truly are not by God's analysis and omniscience.

(6) Iniquity

God's eyes can’t behold sin and the sinners' requests, let alone answer them (Isaiah 59:1-2). Those who access His Throne, His Court and His Hill are those with pure hearts and hands. Iniquity makes one inaccessible to God (Habakkuk 1:13).

The praise and prayer of a sinful man is an abomination to God. The Lord's hands are able to save, and His ears are receptive to hear but iniquity hinders His intervention (2 Chronicles 7:14)

We should, however, note that when God seems "late" in granting our desires, it is because He wants to come big. God does not do mega things in a hurry. Major scriptural miracles were not done in a hurry.

To intervene swiftly to Lazarus' ill state and heal him would have been a small miracle but waiting to let him die and raise him from the dead was a mega miracle (John 11:1-45). To have miraculously increased the quantity of the wine at the wedding in Cana would have been a small miracle, but waiting till it got exhausted and turning water to wine was a bigger miracle (John 2:1-11).

Also, consider the approval of Jesus' death and the mega miracle of raising Him from the grave. I say again, when it seems that God is late, wait for Him, He is coming bigger than you can ever imagine!

Do you know any other reasons not mentioned why God may not answer one's prayer requests? Kindly share with us and help fellow believers avoid the pitfalls of having their prayers unanswered.

Thank you greatly for taking time to read and please do share with others!

*** Written by Clement Oladepo ***

...building the body of Christ

God Must Be Loved For Himself

God being who he is must always be sought for Himself, never as a means toward something else.

Whoever seeks other objects and not God is on his own; he may obtain those objects if he is able, but he will never have God. God is never found accidentally. “Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).

Whoever seeks God as a means toward desired ends will not find God. The mighty God, the maker of heaven and earth, will not be one of many treasures, not even the chief of all treasures. He will be all in all or He will be nothing. God will not be used.

His mercy and grace are infinite and His patient understanding is beyond measure, but He will not aid men in their selfish striving after personal gain. He will not help men to attain ends which, when attained, usurp the place He by every right should hold in their interest and affection.

Yet popular Christianity has as one of its most effective talking points the idea that God exists to help people to get ahead in this world. The God of the poor has become the God of an affluent society. Christ no longer refuses to be a judge or a divider between money hungry brothers. He can now be persuaded to assist the brother that has accepted Him to get the better of the brother who has not.

A crass example of the modern effort to use God for selfish purposes is the well-known comedian who, after repeated failures, promised someone he called God that if He would help him to make good in the entertainment world he would repay Him by giving generously to the care of sick children.

Shortly afterward, he hit the big time in the night clubs and on television. He has kept his word and is raising large sums of money to build children’s hospitals. These contributions to charity, he feels, are a small price to pay for a success in one of the sleaziest fields of human endeavour.

One might excuse the act of this entertainer as something to be expected of a ‘twenty-first’ century pagan; but that multitudes of evangelicals should actually believe that God had anything to do with the whole business is not so easily overlooked. This low and false view of Deity is one major reason for the immense popularity God enjoys these days among well-fed elites in the world.

The teaching of the Bible is that God is Himself the end for which man was created. “Whom have I in heaven but thee?” cried the psalmist, “and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee” (Psalm 73:25). The first and greatest commandment is to love God with every power of our entire being. Where love like that exists there can be no place for a second object. If we love God as much as we should, surely we cannot dream of a loved object beyond Him which He might help us to obtain.

Bernard of Clairvaux began his radiant little treatise on the love of God with a question and an answer. The question, Why should we love God? The answer, Because He is God. He developed the idea further, but for the enlightened heart little more need be said. We should love God because He is God. Beyond this the angels cannot think.

Being who He is, God is to be loved for His own sake. He is the reason for our loving Him, just as He is the reason for His loving us and for every other act He has performed, is performing and will perform world without end. God’s primary reason for everything is His own good pleasure. The search for secondary reasons is gratuitous and mostly futile. It affords occupation for theologians and adds pages to books on doctrine, but that it ever turns up any true explanations is doubtful.

But it is the nature of God to share. His mighty acts of creation and redemption were done for His good pleasure, but His pleasure extends to all created things. One has but to look at a healthy child at play or listen to the song of a bird at sundown and he will know that God meant His universe to be a joyful one.

Those who have been spiritually enabled to love God for Himself will find a thousand fountains springing up from the rainbow-circled throne and bringing countless treasures which are to be received with reverent thanksgiving as being the overflow of God’s love for His children. Each gift is a bonus of grace which because it was not sought for itself may be enjoyed without injury to the soul. These include the simple blessings of life, such as health, a home, a family, congenial friends, food, shelter, the pure joys of nature or the more artificial pleasures of music and art.

The effort to find these treasures by direct search apart from God has been the major activity of mankind through the centuries; and this has been man’s burden and man’s woe. The effort to gain them as the ulterior motive back of accepting Christ may be something new under the sun; but new or old it is an evil that can only bring judgment at last.

God wills that we should love Him for Himself alone with no hidden reasons, trusting Him to be to us all our natures require. Our Lord said all this much better: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).

** Written by Aiden Wilson Tozer (A.W. Tozer) **
*** From the Book - "Man: The Dwelling Place of God" ***

...building the body of Christ

Is Your God Able To Deliver?

A Christian who cowers with fear and trepidation at all threats and challenges of life really doesn’t know the God he or she claims to serve.

Such a Christian is one the Lord describes as, “O, ye of little faith” and is not deeply rooted and built up in Christ nor established in the faith that moves mountains. The body of Christ doesn’t rejoice in cowardice for we have not been given the spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

We should know that there will always be oppositions and daunting times in every believer’s life. Daily, our adversary, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. He is still in the business of killing, stealing and destroying the souls of men (John 10:10), and his major and only target are the very elects of God who have chosen to live by the Spirit and are dead to the works of the flesh.

It is undeniable that our Christian walk can never be devoid of trials and adversity, “for we must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). Even the Lord Jesus Christ in the book of John 16:33 says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Truly, only in Christ do we have lasting victory over the world’s difficulties and troubles. To trust in the arm of flesh is to settle for disappointments, depression and despair. But no true child of God ever knows defeat for his or her trust and confidence is in the Lord, God Almighty (Jeremiah 17:5-8).

This brings to memory the uncommon and uplifting story of the three Hebrew brothers – Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah – and how mightily God works for them that solely trust in Him. There’s no one who ever reads the Bible, even the book of Daniel 3:1-30 and would doubt the unrivaled power of the Most High God.

King Nebuchadnezzar openly put to test the faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (as we all know them to be called) and wanted to know if their God was able to deliver. As the incident was recorded, King Nebuchadnezzar had made an image of gold and ordered all his provincial officials to worship it and warned that whoever does not worship the image will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace.

The three Hebrew brothers with knowledge of God’s clear command in Exodus 20:1-5, 34:14-17, knew better not to worship a man-made god with eyes but cannot see, with ears but cannot ear and with mouth but cannot talk. To shorten the story, these brothers defied the King’s order and were thrown into the furnace. Then the miraculous happened afterwards.

What, however, strikes the mind is the Kings query when the brothers defied his order. King Nebuchadnezzar asked, “Now when you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, if you are ready to fall down and worship the image I made, very good. But if you do not worship it, you will be thrown immediately into a blazing furnace. Then what god will be able to deliver you from my hand?” (Daniel 3:13-15).

Have you ever been in a situation where your faith is put to severe test? Your salary hasn’t been paid for months and your rent is due, your partner’s business isn’t as vibrant as it was, your child’s school tuition fee is impending and you are running out of stock for food. You ask a colleague for loan and he or she is requesting a nonnegotiable thirty percent interest on principal every month. Your siblings and relatives all exhume excuses with global economic cash crunch.

For want of alternatives, you ask few neighbors around and one of them puts it straight to your face, “but I thought you are a Christian and all these are happening to you. Don’t you pray? Why not ask your God for help?” You look at all sides and see no one to turn to. And here the devil rejoices at your calamity, asking you this same question, what god will be able to deliver you from my hand?

Dear brethren, learn from the Hebrew brothers and be strengthened by the example of their faith. And they responded, “We do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and He will deliver us from your Majesty’s hand. But even if He does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up” (Daniel 3:16-18).

Time and again has history revealed that they that know their God are strong and shall not be moved by the schemes of mean men or by threats and trials from the evil ones. They are not one to faint or falter in the days of adversity and times of troubles (Proverbs 24:10).

They are as brave lions that are never shaken. They have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their hearts are secure, they have no fear and in the end, they always look in triumph on their foes (Psalm 112:6-8). Now, the question is do you know the God you claim to serve? Is your God able to deliver?

But for those who do know their God and trust in Him, this is what He says to you, “I will remove from you all who mourn over the loss of your appointed festivals, which is a burden and reproach for you. At that time I will deal with all who oppressed you… I will give you praise and honour in every place you have suffered shame… and among all the people of the earth when I restore your fortunes before very eyes,” says the Lord (Zephaniah 3:18).

Don’t you believe it? If truly you do, then, have faith! The Lord is at work and He is able to deliver and save you from all your troubles.

*** Written by Michael Olajubu aka Jacobs Adewale (Admin) ***

...building the body of Christ

Character Of A Christian

Text: Matthew 5:1-6

Key Verse: “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6)

John Hill Aughey, one of the notable gospel ministers, said: “Holiness consists of three things – separation from sin, dedication to God, transformation into Christ’s image. It is in vain that we talk about the last, unless we know something experimentally about the first.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the verse above, pointed out some salient issues about Christian conducts. When a great multitude followed Him, He went to the mountain where He taught them what they should know about true fellowship with God, which obviously would make them enjoy life on earth and in heaven.

Remarkably, Jesus pointed out that nobody would be able to make heaven without being poor in spirit. Heavenly-minded people should not be haughty, but be humble and lowly. They must acknowledge their spiritual wretchedness, bewail their guilt and thirst after God.

For those who mourn for their spiritual state, Jesus assured that they will be comforted and filled with happiness. Their godly sorrow will enable them have true repentance, become watchful of everything they do and continue to depend on God wholeheartedly.

Jesus equally taught of the benefit of meekness, pointing out that those who quietly submit to God and bear all insults patiently would inherit the kingdom of God. Those who are meek would always live peaceably with everybody.

These teachings of our Lord are still relevant to us today. Our desires of spiritual blessings must be earnest. At every moment, we should be friendly with everyone, not being proud or feel that we know more than others.

“Nothing so clearly discovers a spiritual man as his treatment of an erring brother.”

...building the body of Christ

No Price Too High 2

No man can serve two masters (Luke 16:13) and there is a place for only one person at the top of your priority list. Family does not come first, nor does your job or education or anything else. There is one Master, one Lord, and He is to be first. Many people miss the plan of God because of procrastination for family's sake. They wait until their elderly parents die or until their children finish school or until their business becomes successful. Months turn into years, years turn into decades and, before they know it, their life is over.

--- Please click: "HERE" to read "No Price Too High 1" ---

If you choose a person over God, that person will not love you for it or be thankful for you for doing it. If you miss the plan of God because of your spouse or children it will not endear you to them. Even if you do what they ask they will not respect you for it because they'll see you as being weak even though they won't admit it. Down in their heart they know you're being disobedient to God and there are millions of people in this situation right now.

If you want the perfect will of God for your life then you must do the perfect will of God in accordance to His plan. The best favor you can do for somebody you love is to obey God. Go with Him whether they go with you or not.

Many believers say they want to be a disciple of the Lord but do they really know what they're saying? People move and speak too quickly and make commitments based on what feels good at the time without counting the cost. Jesus said, "For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it - lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all who see it begin to mock him" (Luke 14:28,29). Consider the cost before you start.

People set goals all the time but aren't honest with themselves that it's going to cost them something and whether or not they're willing to pay the price for what they want. It will cost you to buy that new house and to lose that thirty pounds. How much do you want to become a disciple of the Lord? Be honest with yourself. Do you want it enough to pay the price?

After telling the multitude to count the cost Jesus said, "So, likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple" (verse 33). Some things are worth paying the price for. Do whatever it takes to become like Jesus. You are not your own for you were bought with a price. You have a Master and you are in training to be just like Him. You can pray like Jesus prayed and you can help people like Jesus helped people. There will be hardness and tough trials to endure but you must gird up your loins and press forward.

Marathon runners experience great pain but they keep going anyhow. They set their face like flint and they've got their eyes on the finish line. They push themselves past all comfort levels and bypass past performance levels. They push through the pain for they consider it worth the price for what they will accomplish. There is a cost involved in becoming a disciple of Jesus but too many people think of this in a negative sense. People get quiet and uncomfortable when you talk about sacrifice and submission.

We live in a no-sacrifice generation and people don't like to be asked to give up anything, but Jesus said to become His disciple you must give up everything. Many boldly proclaim that they'll die for the Lord but won't clean toilets at church or stand in the heat and cold to help park cars at the church service. They won't go to church if they were up late the night before or if the weather is too bad even though bad weather won't keep them from going to work on Monday morning. They'll die for Jesus but won't live for Him, won't lose sleep for Him, and won't miss a meal for the gospel's sake.

Becoming a disciple requires a greater commitment than what many believers are willing to give. A disciple is to be like a highly-disciplined athlete and a well-trained soldier who push themselves and endure strict training. An athlete may not feel like running ten miles every day but he does it anyway. You learn by doing for it's the doer who gets results. Paul told Timothy, "So, my son, throw yourself into the work for Christ" (2 Timothy 2:1 MSG).

When you're strong you don't talk about how you feel. You lay your feelings aside and do what you're supposed to do. Strong Christians have feelings but are not ruled by them. Your training will teach you that when the Master tells you to do something you lay aside your feelings and do what He says.

Soldiers have a sense of duty and when they're given orders they pick up their gear and go no matter how hot or cold it is or how dangerous the situation appears to be. You've got to be willing to step out in faith and stay with it even if in the natural you see no immediate results and it looks like you made the wrong decision. If you're His disciple and He's leading you in a certain direction then you go where He tells you to go and stay where He tells you to stay. There are millions of believers who are content just being saved and they don't even try to become like Jesus.

Most churches are filled with believers and non-believers and maybe three disciples and they do all the work. These same three people volunteer for everything. They have other things to do but don't have more important things going on so that they would neglect the work of the ministry. You make time for what's important to you and if you're bothered about making sacrifices for Jesus then you're not worthy to be His disciple.

Paul said, "Yes, all the things I once thought were so important are gone from my life. Compared to the high privilege of knowing Christ as my Master firsthand, everything I once thought I had going for me is insignificant - dog dung. I've dumped it all in the trash so that I could embrace Christ and be embraced by Him" (Philippians 3:7-9 MSG). This life will be over with real soon and there will be no reward in heaven for how high you climbed the corporate ladder or how much money you saved and how early you were able to retire.

In the Parable of the Great Supper (Luke 14:15-29) the Master said "Come" but all the people made excuses for they had other things to do. Many are called to become disciples but few accept the invitation, few make the commitment. The Master got angry at all their excuses and even today there are millions of believers all over the world who won't show up. There is no good enough reason not to accept the invitation to "come."

God uses people who are available, people who will come, people who will show up, people who have made a greater commitment to follow Him and do what He says to do. Is all this possible? Yes!! It's what you're made for. You are predestined to become like Jesus. It's your destiny, your future. It's why you exist. You're not here to punch a time-clock, mow the grass, and wash a pile of dirty clothes. You're here to become just like Jesus.

To become a disciple of Jesus you must train yourself like an Olympic athlete and discipline yourself like a good soldier. Keep your mind and your mouth and your desires under control. Every day you're becoming more and more like the Master. Philip said, "Show us the Father" and Jesus responded, "If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father" (John 14:8-9). Our goal is exactly the same thing. If people see us, they've seen Jesus. If they've seen Jesus, they've seen the Father.

People who believe they can get the same results as Jesus but not live like He lived believe they are above the Master. If Jesus sought the Father's will and only did those things that pleased Him, then you must do the same thing. You must become like Jesus. Luke 6:40 (AMP) says, "A pupil is not superior to his teacher but everyone, when he's completely trained, readjusted, restored, set to rights and perfected, will be like his teacher." The purpose of becoming a disciple is to be just like Jesus.

Millions of people all over the world are believers but that's all they are. They believe Jesus died for their sins and they confess Him as their Savior and that's all they do. They go to church sometimes and read a Bible verse here and there and they pray when they get into trouble. These believers are oblivious to anything beyond confessing Jesus as their Savior. Another group believes they can become like Jesus but are unwilling to do what it takes and are not willing to change their life enough to become like Him. And then there are the few, the faithful, the disciples. They believe they can become like Jesus and that there is no price too high to become His disciple here and now in this life.

1 John 4:17 says, "As He is, so are we in this world." That's what you're called to do, become like Jesus here and now in this world, to be conformed to His likeness and His image. The objective is to be so radically changed that when people see you they see Jesus. Even people who don't know Jesus will hear Him when they hear you talk and see Him when they see you act.

I John 3:2 says, "Beloved, now are we children of God." When? Now! You can be more like Jesus today than you were yesterday and more tomorrow than you are today. You should strive to be like Jesus every day from the moment your eyes open in the morning to the time you lay down to sleep at night. Be willing to make radical changes in your life and make up your mind to be one of the chosen few.

Jesus said in Matthew 9:37, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few" and Matthew 20:16 states, "So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen." People call themselves "Christian" yet there are many believers who are nothing like Jesus. People who say "I'm only human" are saying don't be surprised if they sin and don't become like Jesus. Isaiah 59:19 says, "When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him." A disciple has a standard and His Name is Jesus. A Christian is "one like the Christ" for He is their standard.

In Biblical times before the people were called "Christians" they were first called "disciples." It was the disciples whose standard had not been dropped and lowered who were called "Christians." A "standard" is a banner or emblem much like a country's flag represents what the people believe and what they hold precious and valuable and important. It is "a degree or level of requirement, excellence, or attainment that is widely recognized or employed as a model of authority or excellence."

Discipline yourself daily to stand strong and hold fast to the standard Jesus set. Hold up the standard and live by it. Stop watching bad television shows and speak the truth in love. Don't lie and watch porno movies and commit adultery. We have one standard and it's the Master. Ephesians 4:13 (AMP) says, "that you may arrive at really mature manhood, completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ's own perfection." This is what you are called to. The New Living Bible says, "Measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ."

How do you measure up? You need to change and don't be conformed to this world (Romans 12:2). The world is telling you that homosexual marriage is an acceptable behavior and that it's okay to kill babies before they're born. The enemy is the inventor of low standards and the more you tolerate what is wrong the lower you'll go. Tolerance is the first step toward conformity and today the world has no standard and has fallen into a bottomless pit of sin and deception.

Jesus is the standard by which every person will be judged. No longer is He called "the only begotten Son of God." Now He is called "the firstborn among many brethren" (Romans 8:29), people just like Him. He's the King of kings and Lord of lords. Disciples are in training to be kings and lords. They're the kings He's King of, kings just like Him. He'll show you the light and then you raise your standard and walk in it.

There is no price too high to fulfill your destiny to become like Jesus. The more like Him you become, the better your life will be, the more you'll live the good life.

*** Written by Randall Brewer ***

...building the body of Christ