Showing posts with label Christian Living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Living. Show all posts

Following Peace With All Men

Text: Romans 12:17-21, 14:17-19

As soon as a person confesses his or her sins, repents of them and accepts Jesus as his or her Lord and Saviour, he or she becomes a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17) and is empowered by grace in the Holy Spirit to live a new life of peace with everyone.

Such a regenerated person finds it difficult to retaliate when offended and in as much as it lies in his or her power, he/she lives peaceably with all men. In words and deeds, he/she tries not to offend anyone and is quick to apologize in meekness when someone is wronged.

The Bible enjoins us as Christians to “follow peace with all men, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). There are many reasons why we need to pursue peace in all our dealings: One, God commands that we live peaceably with all men. Two, it is not good to avenge ourselves as that right solely belongs to God. Rather, we are to promote peace at all times, giving place unto wrath (Romans 12:19).

A third reason is: to live peaceably with our neighbours is to enjoy peace of mind as well. By entertaining no injurious thoughts in our minds towards others helps us to stay healthy most of the time. Whereas, friction, quarrels and bitterness generate high blood pressure and hypertension which in turn impedes the health.

Moreover, in a world wrecked by hostility, hardheartedness and rancor, we shine as light to other people around (Matthew 5:16) when we follow peace with all men despite provocations to do the contrary. Thus, we become a source of encouragement and inspiration to others who find it challenging to live peaceably with their neighbours.

We make a ridicule of Christ, of our Christian profession and faith, and become a hindrance to others who would want to come to the Lord when we do not maintain a peaceable and cordial relationship with our neighbours.

The world is polluted as it is and as such, is in dire need of a different breed of individuals, men and women of clemency and modesty who would live for righteousness, love and holiness in obedience to the commandments of God.

As Christians, the truest evidence of our faith in Christ is in the lives we live both within and without the church. We are the living Bible the world sees and should our daily lives at home, at work, in the street and everywhere contradict the person, nature and character of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, then are we unfaithful servants and false in our devotion.

Beloved, look around you; people are hurting everywhere, people are dying every day; conflicts and wars thrive and the hearts of men brew daily with rage. But who has the unfettered will, might and power to make things right, mend broken hearts and salvage depressed souls?

This one thing I know that there is no other person under heaven given among men than can truly save and deliver from all shackles of sin and sorrow other than Jesus, the only begotten Son of God. But He will only do this through you and me by living peaceably with everyone today and every day.

So let’s walk the talk we preach and profess; shining our godly lights before men that they may see our good works born of faith and love, and glorify our Father which is in heaven.

*** Written by Jacobs Adewale (Admin) ***

...building the body of Christ

Character Of A Christian

Text: Matthew 5:1-6

Key Verse: “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6)

John Hill Aughey, one of the notable gospel ministers, said: “Holiness consists of three things – separation from sin, dedication to God, transformation into Christ’s image. It is in vain that we talk about the last, unless we know something experimentally about the first.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the verse above, pointed out some salient issues about Christian conducts. When a great multitude followed Him, He went to the mountain where He taught them what they should know about true fellowship with God, which obviously would make them enjoy life on earth and in heaven.

Remarkably, Jesus pointed out that nobody would be able to make heaven without being poor in spirit. Heavenly-minded people should not be haughty, but be humble and lowly. They must acknowledge their spiritual wretchedness, bewail their guilt and thirst after God.

For those who mourn for their spiritual state, Jesus assured that they will be comforted and filled with happiness. Their godly sorrow will enable them have true repentance, become watchful of everything they do and continue to depend on God wholeheartedly.

Jesus equally taught of the benefit of meekness, pointing out that those who quietly submit to God and bear all insults patiently would inherit the kingdom of God. Those who are meek would always live peaceably with everybody.

These teachings of our Lord are still relevant to us today. Our desires of spiritual blessings must be earnest. At every moment, we should be friendly with everyone, not being proud or feel that we know more than others.

“Nothing so clearly discovers a spiritual man as his treatment of an erring brother.”

...building the body of Christ

How To Be Sure

Are you sure you are among the chosen few
Who shall enter glory when life on earth is through?
It is not enough to say "the sinner's prayer"
Or assent to the gospel when it is shared.

Your life will be changed and your heart made anew
If the Holy Spirit is indwelling you;
From each and every sin you will turn away
And seek to obey whate'er the Scriptures say.

Your affections will be set on things above,
Your motive t'wards others will be to show love,
Your supreme desire will be to do God's will,
And though you lose all for Him, you'll love Him still.

While these changes cannot save you from your sin,
They provide assurance you've been born again;
If they are not manifested in your life,
Don't rest until you have saving faith in Christ.

*** Written by Perry Boardman ***

...building the body of Christ